Chapter 1.

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I was a day before my 19th birthday . My parents and I were in the car. We drove to London . " So honey ! What do you want to buy in London ?" , my mum asked . My dad turned back and looked at me with his "don't-say-something-expensive face . "Uhm.... Er ... I want a top from TopShop aaaand... this cute bikini from Victoria's Secret and a .... Louis Vuitton purse ..." "What ?! ",my mum shouted ."Just that? Darling you'll turn 19! You need something better ! So ... What do you thing about an IPhone 5S ?"

"Wha... What ? An iPhone 5S . You are kidding me right ?""Yeah you are kidding her! It's to expensive !", my dad shouted . " No I'm not kidding! So I think the best car park is beside the Victoria's Secret store . So we'll park there. First we'll buy your bikini , then we'll go over to TopShop and buy your top , then we'll go to Louis Vuitton and buy the purse and after Louis Vuitton we will finally buy you an iPhone 5S ! Yay! "

I looked over to my dad and then to mum and dad again then to mum and to dad . Only 10 minutes were left and we were arrived .

Suddenly I whispered with a scared voice " Dad please drive a little bit slower!"

"Calm down sweetheart I'm driving carefully . Don't worry ! "

This were my dads last words ... I saw the car . It was driving directly at us . The last thing I remembered was a big scream . It wasn't just a scream ... It was the scream of the dead ... It was my scream ...

As I opened my eyes I saw a man . A man with white clothes . " Hello Eleanor Jane Calder . How are you ?""Eleanor...just Eleanor... And I'm ok . Where are my parents ? "

The man was a doctor . I looked around and I was in the hospital . " We did everything we could but it wasn't enough ..." "Wha...what ?! " " I'm really sorry miss Calder . Uhm... Eleanor sorry ." I tried not to cry ." Is Mrs Tomlinson here ?" , I asked ." Johanna Tomlinson? Let me see ... Oh yes there she is ! Johanna can you come for a second ? So I will let you alone "

I was very happy to see Jay. She was like my second mother and she was the mother of my boyfriend . " Hello Elly ! I heard what happened ! I'm so sorry for you dear! You know that we all will always stay with you !"" I know and I'm really thankful ." I answered oh and with "we" she always wanted to say Daisy , Phoebe , Fizzy , Lotts, Dan , herself and of course Louis . " If you want then I can call Louis." "No I think it's better if we will wait until tomorrow ... Maybe then everything will be better . " She laughed and whispered " You know . It's really better . Louis can come to you with a present because tomorrow is you birthday !" I just smiled and showed her that I want to go to sleep . She gave me a kiss on my head and went . I turned around and tried to sleep .

Story Of My Life // 1D Fanfiction//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon