Otayuri Part 2

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Otabek lied in his hotel room staring at the ceiling. He thought of Yurio and how cute he had looked earlier that day and how red he had turned in the shower.

"It's so cute that he gets embarrassed easily" Otabek whispered to himself. He knows he shouldn't be having these indecent thoughts, but Yurio was so damn hot.

He knows Yurio will never love him, he just wasn't gay. Look at how he reacted to Victor and Yuuri's engagement. He would be discusted by Otabek's feelings. He rolled over and went to sleep disappointment on the mind.

He woke up and realized he had a free day. Exhaling with relief he headed downstairs to find a place for breakfast. He wasn't familiar with Japan, he would need someone to show him around.

Once he got to the hotel lobby he saw a familiar blond head and leopard print jacket. A smile spread on his face.

"Yuri" Otabek made his way over.

Yurio stiffened and slowly turned around, a blush spreading on his face.

"H-hi Otabek" Yurio stuttered. He wouldn't make eye contact with him.

"Yuri I don't know where to go to breakfast and I was hoping you could show me around"

"Sure, Beka" Yurio stopped as he realized what he had just said.

A smiled spread across Otabek's face. "I like it" He reassured him

"HAHAHAHAHA" Laughter erupted from across the lobby. JJ sauntered across the room.

"Do my ears deceive me or are the most dysfunctional couple now using pet names".

"Go to hell JJ" Yurio snapped back defensively.  He looked up at Otabek and realized the Kazak was blushing at the remark about their relationship.

Yurio was shocked at this face he made and wondered what that meant. He quickly snapped himself out of it.

Otabek took Yurio's hand and led him out of the hotel. Yurio stared at their interlocked hands and a smile crept onto his face. Otabek went into a diner and got a table for two.

They sat opposite from each other and ordered a classic breakfast. A few minutes into their meal a large group of Yurio's fans mobbed the restaurant front window. Yurio then felt something on his hand, looking up he realized it was Otabeks hand.

A scream came from the outside of the window where the fan girls noticed what was happening. Heat grew onto Yurio's face at Otabeks warmth.

"Yuri if you're not comfortable I can take you somewhere they can't follow us" Otabek whispered, leaning across the table, closer to Yurio's face.

 "No it's fine" Yurio blushed.

"Oh okay then" Otabek removed his hand. Yurio felt a little disappointed then chided himself for feeling that way.

They finished breakfast and went back to the hotel.

Once they were in the lobby again Otabek realized he didn't want to be alone quite yet.

"Hey Yuri, do you want to go to the hot springs?" Otabek asked shyly.

"Oh um sure" Yurio responded.

They made it over to the hot spring and Yuri noticed they were alone. They got undressed and lay in the steaming water. Yurio was trying to stay as far away from Otabek as possible, so he wouldn't see more than necessary.

Otabek, sensing something was wrong made his way over to the blushing teenager. 

"Yuri is anything wrong" He inquired.

"N-no, I mean Yes... I'm fine" Yurio stuttered.

He turned away from the hot man, realizing how close he was.

"Its just, you've been acting weird and I'm wondering if you're alright" Otabek said, concerned.

"Why do you even care" Yurio snapped "You shouldn't care about me, I'm disgusting"

"Why would you even say that" Otabek said, hurt. "You're not disgusting, you're beautiful"

Yurio gasped, not expecting the comment.

"No I'm gross, because...I love you"

Otabek stared on in disbelief.

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