The Percabeth Engagement

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First Request! I'm excited :-)

Percy's POV

I was nervous. Scratch that. I was terrified.

My entire body shook with anxiety, my head was about to burst with so many thought and I was on the verge of vomiting out the delicious New York pizza I had for lunch. My palms were sticky with sweat and the hair on the back of my head clung to my skin, and I was dizzy.

"Percy."Grover shook his hands in front of my eyes."You look like you are about to battle a cyclops."

I turned the ring box in my hand, holding it tight.

"I can't do this."I said, stopping in my tracks and turning to look at Grover."I can't."

Grover shook his head and loosened his hoodie.

"Percy, you have too."He sighed.

"What if she doesn't want to get married?!"I said, sweating like an idiot."What if her mother blows me to smithereens right there?! The possibilities are endless..."

Grover gave me the are you kidding me Percy, this is my dang OTP look.

"This is Annabeth."He said."You guys have been dating for six years and best friends for four years. She will say yes. You fell into Tartarus for her! If she doesn't say yes, I'm saying yes! Now, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon former Preator of Camp Jupiter, Leader of Camp HalfBlood, savior of Olympus twice, you can ask Annabeth. I bet she will say yes. You got this bro."

I breathed in and out. Grover was right. I mean, this girl is amazing. Her golden blonde hair and flawless grey eyes were a bonus to her kindness and personality. And "Seaweed Brain"? Come on, that's pretty cute.

"I can do this."

Annabeth's POV

"Move it to the side."I said, my blueprints covering the entire table.

It was a sunny bright day in Camp Half Blood, with me, the new head while Mr. D and Chiron were away, just fixing the cabins. After Leo had started a small fire, a few of the cabins needed to be rebuilt, which gave me the chance to use some of my earlier designs.

Leo did as I told, moving the sculpture to the side.

"Gods Annabeth,"He pushed it with great force."When I volunteered to help I thought you meant sharpening pencils, not breaking my arms open. Ow."

I laughed and opened the next blueprint.

"The Zeus cabin could use a little more bricks in the edge to give the structure a base that can hold the lightning."I said, shuffling through notes.

"Can we add a huge lightning bolt that says 'DAD STOP HITTING US."Leo added, sliding down the ladder.

I glared at him. "Very funny."

Leo smiled. "My pleasure. Hey, Percy said there's a problem over at the woods, he's wondering if you can go."

Leo smiled mischievously.

"....Okay."I said, Leo's smile creeping me out."Don't. Touch. Anything."

Leo grinned. "Can't make any promises."


I trudged over to the woods, cursing the mud slowing me down. From a distance, I saw Percy's back, he was turned and it looked like he was kneeling down...and talking to myself.

Oh dear. I thought to myself. What did this idiot get into?

"Percy!"I called, moving over to see him."What's wrong?"

He turned and the sunlight hit his face. Even know, years after we met, my stomach did a somersault. His dark hair was cropped to the side and his sea green eyes looked at me with a certain nervousness, as if he was hiding something he was dreading to get out.

He grabbed my hand.

"Annabeth Chase."He swallowed.

"You know my full name, would you like a certificate?"I teased.

He smiled and got down on one knee.

Oh my gods!!!! I thought and my face turned bright red. No way!!!

"I fell into Tartarus for you, and with my body came my heart."He said, the words slow and easy."And I never want to let you go. So, what do you say wise girl? How would you like to be Mrs. Jackson?"

Percy smiled and I could see a fire in his eyes. A look of excitement and blaze. I couldn't hold it. My eyes welled up with tears.

"Perseus Jackson."I said, slowly, wanting this moment to last forever."Before Olympus burns or a monster attacks or spiders surround me, or anything else the gods can come up with it, my answer is..."

Percy leaned in.

"Yes. Percy Jackson. Yes."

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