Meggy: I have an idea! If we let the missiles follow us, we can use them to blow up the glass!

Mario: Aha! Good thinking, Meggy!

The two avoided the missiles and ran towards the switch, one missiles flew towards the couple at a fast speed.

Mario: Look out!

The two got out of the way, the missile hit the glass and exploded, which shattered the glass into pieces.

Meggy: Nice!

Meggy hit the switch, the submarine deactivated and crashed.

Mario: OOF!

Meggy: You alright?

Mario: Yep!

The captain of the ship appeared, and started swimming around. Mario and Meggy tried to hit Admiral Jelly, but he was too fast.

Meggy: He's too fast! I can't hit him!

Mario: Wait, i see a drill wisp!

Mario grabbed the drill wisp and absorbed it.

Meggy: See if you can swim around using the drills power!

Mario transformed, and chased after Admiral Jelly, he was way faster and managed to hit the captain, sending him flying into the submarine.

Meggy: Nice one, Mario!

The submarine activated, and began to rise, Mario and Meggy quickly jumped onto it.


Pirates: Yes, Admiral Jelly!

The pirates ran towards Mario and Meggy, while missiles fired and flew at the couple.

Meggy: More butt kicking!

Mario: Let's a go!

Mario and Meggy began fighting their way through the pirates, meanwhile, Infinite and ReaderFromWR were struggling with Machito and Aqua.

Infinite: Come on, Machito! Snap out of it, buddy!

Machito kicked Infinite's sword away, then pushed him into the water.

Infinite: Agh!

Machito then grabbed Infinite and tried to drown him in the water.

Infinite: -Shit...i can't get him off!-

After forty seconds, Infinite's vision started to go blurry, ReaderFromWR pushed Aqua over and ran up to Machito and grabbed him, Infinite got out of the water and started to cough out water.

ReaderFromWR: Eat this!

ReaderFromWR threw a Splat Bomb at Machito, it exploded, sending Machito flying into a wall, Machito and Aqua then turned back to normal.

Machito: Agh...what happened?

ReaderFromWR ran over to Infinite and helped him get up.

ReaderFromWR: You ok?

Infinite: -Cough- Y-yeah, thanks for that...

Mario and Meggy managed to break the glass and flipped the switch again, the submarine shut down and the engine exploded.

Admiral Jelly: SHET! I'll take care of you myself!

Admiral Jelly began swimming around and was trying to hit Mario and Meggy, he was faster than before and this was causing Mario to get dizzy.

Mario: Mama mia...

Meggy: I'll deliver the finishing blow, Mario! You stay there!

Meggy absorbed a drill wisp and transformed, she began chasing after Admiral Jelly.

Admiral Jelly: Haha! You can't get me!

Meggy: Come here!

Meggy gained more speed, and drilled right through Admiral Jelly, creating a giant hole in Adrimal Jelly's chest.

Meggy: Got ya.

Admiral Jelly began to explode, the robot captain got catapulted by Meggy and fully exploded.

Mario: Another robot down for the count!

Meggy: Yep! Let's go disable that generator!

Mario and Meggy jumped off the submarine as it exploded. They landed near Infinite, who was still coughing out a bit of water.

Mario: Infinite?

Meggy: What happened?

Machito: We got mind controlled by Eggman and... 

ReaderFromWR: While Machito was mind controlled, he tried to drown Infinite.

Meggy: Oh no!

Machito: I-i'm sorry Infinite...

Infinite: Hey, it's fine...

Aqua ran up to Infinite and hugged him.

ReaderFromWR: We'll take a break when we disable this generator.

Infinite: Alright then.

Mario, Meggy and ReaderFromWR walked up to the generator and disabled it.

Mario: Phew...

Meggy: Another one down.

Infinite: And one more to go, and we should be done!

Mario: This adventure has been amazing so far!

Meggy: I know, right? Shame it's coming to an end. By the way, Infinite, what's the final planet?

Infinite: I...wouldn't call it a planet, but it's where Eggman turns all of his captured wisps into the Nega wisps with the strange energy. It's called Asteroid Coaster.

Mario: Alright, once our break is done, let's go disable that final generator and save the wisps!

Everyone nodded.

(I grabbed a bite at the Bucket O' Sushi... and i highly regret it XD)

Anyways, lata!

Mario X Meggy: Unlimited ColorsWhere stories live. Discover now