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"Now for the truth or dare!" Bucky yelled, everyone roaring with excitement.

The heroes started to sit on chairs, lining them up in a circle. Steve dragged Natasha outside the room for a few seconds just to talk to her in private.

"I think Tony's dating the wizard." He whispered quietly, hoping there was no one around.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too but we don't know that for sure..." She mumbled.

"Lets dare Tony to kiss him, then we'll see." He chuckled to himself.

"Are you jealous Steve?" Natasha asked, a deep frown pasted across her face.

"What? No! Besides, I have Buck." He smiled but it looked fake. The truth was he felt like Tony and him were no longer friends and he blamed Stephen for it. If Stephen was dating Tony, he'd have a reason to hate him.

The pair strolled back into the large room where the Avengers were patiently waiting. Steve scanned the room to see Stephen sitting far away from Tony instead he was placed next to bucky. Steve charged over to the seat he was sitting on, trying his best not to look mad.

"Can you sit somewhere else?" He leaned closer to Stephen and whispered in his ear in an attempt to intimidate him. "That's my boyfriend."

"Oh I'm sorry." Stephen muttered sarcastically, moving over into the empty chair next to him. He was now sitting next to Loki, who was already playing with his hair.

"I know your a kinky bitch. How about I ride you tomorrow?" Loki whispered to Stephen whilst trying to sit on his lap. He just shook his head and continued to push Loki off his legs.

The whole group was confused as to what happened between Steve, Stephen and Loki but they just ignored it and started to play.

It was Bruce's turn first. He looked around and chose Natasha. "Nat, truth or dare?" She was very quick to choose dare. "I dare you to kiss Clint."

At first Natasha turned her nose up at kissing Clint but she did it eventually, practically holding her breath. The group clapped and laughed at Clint's surprised reaction.

"You didn't deserve that Clint, it's the last one your getting!" She grabbed her vodka and took a huge sip.

It had only been half an hour but it seemed like the whole room was already drunk.

It was Wanda's turn next, she chose Loki and of course he chose dare. "I dare you to lick your brothers foot."

Loki groaned but he proceeded to take off Thor's shoe and sock. He closed his eyes and his tongue hit the disgusting texture of his foot. Loki quickly licked the base and frowned with disgust. Everyone laughed and clapped as Loki slumped into his chair, embarrassment crawling over his face.

"That foot is pure Asgardian. You have had the opportunity to taste greatness!" Thor slurred with a glass of beer in his hand as Loki rolled his eyes.

The third person to go was Sam. He chose Rhodey who picked dare. "I dare you to slap Bruce in the face really hard."

They got ready in position and Rhodey looked straight at Bruce. "I dont think I can do this man, I feel really mean."

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