-chapter 1-

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A/N The picture above/on the side is Jenna Harris

Jenna's POV

I've lost count of the hours I've spent staring at the pale white ceiling. It's been one week, 7 hours, and 14 minutes since the accident and since I lost my mom. She's gone. The only constant I've ever had in my life is gone, snatched from my arms just like that.

And now, I'm all alone.

My father left my mother before I was even born, and I have no siblings, not even a lousy dog to keep me company. The only family that they could contact is an aunt that lives in Toronto. She agreed for me to stay with her and her husband and two kids. With her being my only relative, and me being only 17, I'm going to Toronto to live with her. I don't want to leave, but I don't have a choice. It's not my choice, but if it were, I'd stay here in Vancouver. I plan on moving away when I am 18. I don't know where, but somewhere far away, where I could be alone.

Where am I staying now? I'm staying at my mom's best friend's house. Her name is Kelly. I wish I could stay here. Kelly is the perfect person to be my guardian. She's always been like a second mother to me, but now, she basically is my mother.

Kelly and my mother had been best friends since they were only eight years old. The second Kelly found out about the accident she came to find me. She held me in her arms and we cried for hours. She took me back to her house and I've stayed here since.

I haven't bothered unpacking my stuff, or making the bed, or keeping myself clean either. I had lived in my tiny wooden bed for four days straight until Kelly forced me to get up and get myself cleaned up and fed.

Kelly is divorced, with both of her kids in Uni. So now she's alone, just like me.

I turned my head to face the pale blue wall that had a single poster of some red sports car and a girl with fake boobs sitting on it. This was Kelly's son's old bedroom, as you probably guessed.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Last night was probably the most sleep I've gotten all week. The first night was the worst. I don't think I even slept, I just cried until there were no more tears. Every night has been a combination of cold sweats, crying, and nightmares. Every night has been hell.

I forced myself to sit up, as I swung my feet over the side of the bed I rubbed my eyes once more and planted my feet on the ground and stood up, but as soon as my feet hit the light hardwood a shiver rumbled through my body. Shit it was cold. Where are my slippers and housecoat?

I scanned my room for the fluffy objects. I found them on the floor by the bed. I guess I threw them there when I went to bed last night. I slipped on my green housecoat and stepped into my fluffy white slippers. I have had them both since I was fifteen; my mom got them for me for Christmas.

I walked over to my bag and began looking for a hair elastic when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Jenna, honey, are you up? Its almost eleven," Kelly said as she poked her head through the door.

"Morning, Kelly," I said quietly as she walked over to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Morning, sweetie," she said as she pressed a kiss to my forehead.

We both looked up to see that we were standing in front of the mirror, she studied my face for a minute.

"You look just like her, you know. Same beautiful blonde hair, and deep blue eyes," she said as we gazed into the white-framed mirror hanging on the wall. She wiped the tear that was now rolling down my cheek.

I'm really thankful to have someone like Kelly in my life right now. I don't know what I would have done, nor do I want to think of what I would have done if she hadn't been here.

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