Chapter 2

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The next day Collins was sitting on the couch watching Tv while waiting for Devan to get home Devan was out at the store getting stuff and their parents were out at work. Collins heard the door open and thought that it was Devan at first "Hi Dev you're back early or did you forget something?"Collins asked but saw that it was just his dad. "Hey dad!"Collins says giving him a smile only receiving a glare in response causing to have a fearful look but also a confused look "Dad what's wrong are you ok?"Collins asked concerned looking up at his dad. "Yes im fine please leave me alone!"Steven snapped at Collins giving him another glare and Collins jumped at  his tone of voice "I-I'm sorry if i did something to make you mad i-i didn't mean to"Collins stammered sitting up on the couch. Steven let out a annoyed sigh "You know why can't you be like your brother Collins you are so annoying and he's not"Steven told Collins coldly. Collins had a hurt look upon his face and looked down at his hands and closed his eyes feeling tears coming to his eyes. "Aw your such a crybaby!"Steven said teasingly mocking Collins. Collins looked up at Steven with a hurt look "I-I thought you loved me like you do Devan w-what made you change?"Collins asked him with a hurt voice. Steven laughed aloud "You know me and  your mom never loved you Devan has always been our favorite because he isnt as loud as you and his paintings are really amazing but when you paint it looks like someone pooped"Steven said laughing once again. Those words hit him and it broke him because he was starting to believe what his dad was saying. "Y-You're right"Collins whispered. Steven gave a glare to Collins again "You better not tell your brother i said to you because if you do it will get even worse for you you got it?"Steven threatened Collins causing Collins to visibly shake. When Collins didnt answer his dad his dad got even closer to him and grabbed Collins holding his arm tight making Collins whimper in pain "I said Do. You. Got . It?!"Steven exclaimed angrily causing Collins to jump from the outburst once again "Y-Yes sir"Collins stammered and whimpered in pain making Steven smirk lightly "Good now im going to mine and your moms bedroom so you better be quiet"Steven said in a threatening voice making Collins gulp and he nodded. Steven rolled his eyes and let go of Collins arm and then stormed to his room slamming the door. Collins was shaking because he felt so scared and then he laid back down on the couch trying to control his shaking and he closed his eyes and then jumped when the front door opened he didnt want it to be his mom because he felt she would be doing the same thing. "Collins?"Devan said quietly seeing his brother laying down on the couch and making sure he wasn't sleeping. Collins looked up and his smile returned to his face "Hi Dev"Collins says. Devan returned the smile "I didnt wake you up did i?"Devan asked starting to feel guilty in case he did. Collins shook his head "No i've been watching Spongebob since you were gone what took you so long?"Collins asked curiously. "Oh dad and mom wanted me to pick up something for them"Devan says smiling at Collins and Collins nodded smiling at Devan. "So did Dad or mom come home while i was gone?"Devan asked coming to put the bags on the coffee table and then sitting down by Collins "Dad did but i think mom is still at work"Collins answered flinching slightly when he said dad. Devan looked at Collins concerned "Are you ok?"Devan asked Collins when he noticed Collins flinch. Collins hesitantly nodded "Yeah why?"Collins asked but knew that Devan saw him flinch. "Its just i saw you flinch so i was making sure you were ok"Devan says putting his hand on Collins shoulder. Collins smiled at Devan to make it seem like he was ok "Yeah im fine Dev just kind of cold"Collins says this being the first lie that he's told Devan since they share everything together. Devan raised an eyebrow "Oh ok but you know if something is bothering you then you always know that im here for you when you need to talk to me"Devan says squeezing Collins shoulder making Collins smile more and Collins nodded "I know Devan"Collins says leaning his head against Devans shoulder and yawned "Awww is little Collins getting tired?"Devan asked jokingly smiling at Collins who closed his eyes and Collins nodded "I might go take a nap im getting tired"Collins say truthfully and stands up. Devan nodded "Yeah go ahead i'll be in here if you need me"Devan says laying back. Collins nodded smiling and then went to his room.Devan was sitting on the floor painting and looked up when he heard the front door open he looked up and gave a warm smile to his mom "Hi mom"Devan says smiling at her in which she returned his smile "Hi darling"Anne says patting his shoulder "How was work mom?"Devan asked her kindly. Anne smiled at Devan "It was good actually just stressful haha"Anne says letting out a laugh "So wheres Collins and your dad?"Anne asked giving a little tone to her voice when she said Collins name but Devan didnt catch it. "Collins is taking a nap in his room because he was feeling sleepy and Dads in you guys room" Devan says smiling at her. "Oh alright darling so did you and your dad eat eat anything yet?"Anne asked not saying Collins name to which Devan took notice to this time but he just shrugged it off. "Well me and Collins ate lunch but we havent had supper just yet"Devan said just as his stomach rumbled making Anne laugh "Well how about we order some pizza?"Anne asked smiling at Devan happily which made Devan let out a happy laugh "Of course do you want me to get Collins?"Devan asked curiously already knowing she was gonna get Steven up. Anne made a thinking face "How about you get Dad and i get Collins"Anne asked making Devan arch a brow but agreed "Alright"Devan getting up and wiping his hands before going into his mom and dads room while Anne went to Collins room. "Collins are you ok in there bud?"Devan asked worriedly. Collins slightly smiled because he still had someone who cared about him other than his fans. "Yeah im fine just using the bathroom"Collins says trying to sound truthful. Devan was hesitant at first "Oh ok just making sure  well when you are finished please come downstairs because we have some delicious pizza waiting for us and we are waiting for you!"Devan says excitedly. Collins laughed lightly "Alright i'll be out soon"Collins says.Collins was turned to his side sleeping so he didnt hear his mom coming into his room. Anne rolled her eyes seeing that he was indeed sleeping and she quietly closed the door and walked over to Collins bed "Hey lazy get up!"Anne says rudely but also in a whisper so Devan didnt hear her Collins opened one eye thinking Devan was waking him up for something "Dev please let me sleep for a minute"Collins says thinking it was still Devan but then his eyes shot open when he felt a slap to his shoulder "I'm not Devan Collins im your mother and you will listen to what i tell you or theres gonna be consequences"Anne whispered in a threatening tone and smirked when she heard Collins whimpering. Collins looked up at her with sad eyes "W-Why don't you or Dad love me anymore what did i do to you guys?"Collins asked quietly while looking to the floor feeling tears in his dad. "Because we both realized how annoying you are and how hyper you get and to be truthful i told your dad to make Devan go to the store earlier so that he didnt know what was going on earlier. You tell Devan one word of this or you will be punished got it?"Anne says glaring down at Collins quietly who nodded fastly. "Good now get up there's gonna be pizza soon so i want you to so that Devan doesnt suspect anything"Anne says squeezing Collins shoulder not affectionately. Collins nodded "Y-Yes mom"Collins stammered trying not to look at his mom in the eye. Anne nodded "Good boy"Anne says and leaves the room quickly. Collins let out a deep voice and stood up but sudden pain in his shoulders caused him to fall back on the bed whimpering "I-I deserve this i really do"Collins whispered to himself quietly and stood up and walked to the bathroom and looked at his arm to see bruises from where his dad squeezed his arm a little tight but they werent to noticeable and then he took his shirt off to look at his shoulder and he made a gasping noise because he saw a huge bruise on his shoulder from his mom and then quickly put his shirt back on when he heard the knock on the door."Collins asked. Collins slowly went downstairs because he was scared to see both of his parents even though Devan was down there that didn't mean he wouldn't receive glares from them. Collins smiled at Devan and sat by him "Hi"Collins says giving him a kind smile but gulped when he saw his dad giving him a mean glance. Collins looked down and then got a plate with only 2 pieces of pizza on it causing Devan to raise an eyebrow "Collins are you sure your ok?"Devan asked because normally Collins gets more than two slices. Collins nodded "Yeah im fine why?"Collins says even though he wasn't ok he got two slices because he didn't want to make his parents mad. "Yeah Collins are you ok?" Anne asked him trying to sound nice. Collins silently nodded giving them both a slight smile. "Oh good just making sure because normally you get more than 2 slices"Devan says in a worried tone. Collins sighed "I'm just not as hungry as i usually am"Collins says even though he actually is hungry "But i promise im fine"Collins says because he didn't want Devan to worry about him. Devan smiled and nodded "Alright"Devan says and begins eating. Collins slowly ate his food and uncomfortably shifted in his seat when he saw his dad also give him a glare. Collins continued eating his food. "So Devan hows your painting coming along?"Anne asked smiling brightly at him. Devan smiled "Its going great i'm gonna finish it this afternoon and i'll show you guys"Devan says giving her a smile "That's good son"Sean says in a proud tone. Devan laughed and looked over at Collins who was eating but also looked like he was staring into space. Devan was begining to worry about him more because of how he's been acting but he decided to drop it because he didn't want to make Collins annoyed or anything. When Collins finished eating he got up and put his plate in the sink and then was about go upstairs but was interrupted by Devan "Where you going Collins?"Devan asked once again confused because he normally stayed downstairs for a while with  them "I'm just going back to my room"Collins says and feels hurt because he felt left out. Talented like Devan, and so much more Collins that i could go on and on about"Steven says laughing at the end. Collins looked into Stevens eyes and that's when you could tell that he was not the happy Collins anymore "I-I understand Devans the better son he will always be the one that you both will love more and the one that the fans will love more to be truth i never even loved myself ever"Collins said whispering to himself as more tears started going down his eyes he was about to fully breakdown. Steven rolled his eyes "Well whatever just know that Devan is our favorite and you defiantly aren't and now im going downstairs so try to keep your noise down and dont get hyper" Steven said standing up. Collins laid down and got under the covers crying silently. Steven went downstairs and smiled at Devan "Hows Collins?" Devan asked concerned. Steven smiled but invisibly gave Anne a side smirk who looked away to bite her lip so Devan didnt see her laugh. "Oh hes fine he's just sleeping actually"Steven says laughing. Devan bit his lip and then nodded "Oh good"Devan says happy that Collins was ok although he really wasnt "Well i guess im gonna head to bed goodnight love you"Devan says hugging them tightly. Anne kissed his head lightly "Goodnight baby love you too"Anne says. "Goodnight son love you"Sean says patting his back. Devan smiled at them and then went up the stairs going close to Collins door "Goodnight love you Collins i'll be in my room if you need me"Devan says softly although knew Collins was 'sleeping'.*Collins nightmare* Collins was surrounded by his family and a few of his fans and they were laughing at him "You really think we love you? All you are is an annoying and worthless boy!" Steven said smirking at Collins and then laughed as he got closer to Collins. "No please don't hurt me" Collins says burrowing himself into his knees shaking. Suddenly Devan came into his view smirking "Oh bro! Did you think i could ever love you?"Devan asked laughing making Collins look up at him with tears and then putting his head in his hands rocking back and forth "S-Stop!"Collins screamed starting to cry aloud. They all begin to laugh at him and start to kick him hard. *end of nightmare* Collins sat up in his bed quickly breathing heavily and he started to cry he really needed Devan to comfort him but he didn't want to wake Devan up and bother him. Collins got up and went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror making a disgust face "Eww i wonder why girls even think im hot im nowhere near that"Collins says sadly and then he went back into his bedroom and suddenly a thought came into his mind "No one loves me i've always known it but i guess now i really have found that out"Collins laid down on his bed closing his eyes and he started crying heavily but made sure to keep quiet so he didn't wake up Devan or his parents just the words parents made him flinch now. Collins tried to go back to sleep but he really couldn't he got up and went downstairs sitting down at the kitchen counter having his thoughts racing fastly."I will never be good enough for anything"Collins whispered to himself. Collins put his head on his arms and closed his eyes sighing and the got up to try to get some sleep he went back up to his room and laid down on his bed. Collins thoughts once again were racing as he stared up at the celling "I was a mistake i really was"Collins whispered to himself staring up at the celling still. Collins bit his lip try to control his tear he got his phone from the bedside table to see the time and saw that it said 4:00 am he let out a huge sigh once again because he couldnt sleep. Collins turned to his side facing the wall and covered himself up trying his best to fall back to sleep but his thoughts still were racing. Collins turned to his other side trying to find a way to fall back to sleep but he just couldnt he decided to go downstairs to watch tv until he felt like he was really tired. Collins laid down on the couch turning on his back staring up at the celling only he flinched when he felt a hand on his head a few minutes later he looked up to see Devan peering down at him Collins slightly smiled at him he didnt realize that he was staring at the celling for a long time. "Are you ok buddy?"Devan asked him worriedly Collins hesitated and then nodded "Yeah im fine i just had trouble sleeping so i came in here to see if i would get tired again"Collins says giving him a tiny smile. "Well if you would like you can come into my room and try to get some sleep i'll be there with you if you need me"Devan says sitting by Collins feet. "I dont want to be burden"Collins says looking up at Devan making Devan raise an eyebrow in question "Why would you say that you know you would never be a burden to me or anyone else." Devan says in a honest voice Collins nodded "Im just saying i dont want to bother you"Collins says looking at his hands. Devan was beginning to worry about Collins even more because he has never heard Collins talk down on himself like this that much "Collins you know that i love you and you know how much i care about you and you  defiantly know that i dont mind you sleeping in my room especially if you cant sleep now come with me to my room and you can get some sleep.Devan says smiling softly at Collins who was smiling a little which was Devan thought was odd for Collins because he normally smiled at a lot but here lately he notice his smile has gotten more tiny and small when it use to be big and bright and he noticed that Collins eyes were a light shade of blue instead of really bright. Collins stood up wincing in pain a little feeling pain in his shoulders again and where his dad hit him. Devan quickly stepped to him "What's wrong Collins are you ok?"Devan asked him worriedly and Collins nodded giving him a smile "Yeah just a sudden charlie horse"Collins says giving Devan a small smile once again Devan was unsure but he nodded anyway "Well lets go Collins"Devan says walking to the stairs "My favorite brother first"Devan says doing a funny hand gesture up the stairs Collins actually laughed a little "Thank you my favorite little brother"Collins joked a little but flinched slightly when he saw Devan roll his eyes "Yeah yeah i know im younger than you but you don't have to say little brother"Devan says not noticing that Collins flinched. Collins looked down at the step feeling tears in his eyes thinking that Devan was mad at him and he walked up the stairs so that Devan wouldn't see his tears. "Wait Collins"Devan said softly because he saw a tear slip down Collins cheek Collins looked at him and when Devan saw tears it broke his hear immediately "Collins whats wrong?"Devan asked putting a hand on his shoulder "I-Its just that i feel like i make you mad when i say little brother and if i do i dont mean to"Collins stammered more tears falling down his cheeks. Devan gave Collins a smile "Aww Collins you know I'm not mad at you i don't mind you saying that i just dont like that im shorter than you that's all Collins"Devan says hugging Collins tightly and Collins hugged him back "Now lets go to the bed"Devan says smiling up at Collins who nodded giving a tiny smile back. Devan went into his room and plopped down on his bed and scooted over and opened the covers for Collins "Come on in bud!"Devan says excitedly smiling at Collins again who let out a faint laugh and then got into bed with Devan covering himself up and rolled on his side facing Devan smiling up at him. Devan opened his arms "I know im the younger one and i should be the little spoon but you should be the little spoon for tonight"Devan says giving Collins a playful smirk making Collins laugh again a little and then nod and then he scooted closer to  Devan who put his arms around Collins protectively and Collins put his arm around Devans shoulder and Devan put his head on top of Collins head "Have a good rest Collins i love you"Devan whispered into Collins ear who had his eyes closed.It was a few minutes later when Devan awoke to hear Collins whimpering in his sleeping and whispering "Please dont leave me please" Devan gently put a hand on Collins shoulder and shook his gently to wake him up "Collins please wake up"Devan says softly and Collins slowly opened his eyes to look at Devan and then clung to his waist crying making Devan put his arms around Collins head "Shh Collins shh"Devan whispered in Collins ear Collins was crying heavily still "P-Please don't leave me Devan please don't"Collins said in a shaky voice. Devan looked down at Collins with shock written on his face "Collins you know i'd never leave you i would never"Devan says rocking Collins back and forth gently. Collins closed his eyes and sighed "What was your dream about Collins?"Devan asked softly looking at Collins. Collins opened his eyes looking up at Devan with tears in his eyes "Y-You began to bully me a-and you threaten to leave me because you go tired of being bothered by me and you just got tired of my existence"Collins says shakily starting to breakdown crying. Devan had the most sincere look in his eyes "Collins you know how much i love you and you know you are not only my brother you are my best friend i would never hurt you or hate on you in anyway because if i ever saw someone hurt you or ever lost you i would cry so much because you mean so much to me and i look up to you because you make me laugh and smile a whole lot"Devan says smiling down warmly at Collins. Collins nodded smiling softly at Devan and cuddled closer to Devan "I love you more Dev"Collins whispered to Devan "No thats impossible Collins i love you more than anything in the world"Devan says squeezing Collins gently making Collins smile genuinely at Devan but his smile faded as a sudden thought came into his mind 'Why cant i be as perfect as Devan he can paint, draw, and so much more and i cant even do a single thing im not attractive, im fat, i never make my parents happy' Collins thought inside his head. Devan studied Collins facial features and he knew that Collins was deep inside his this feeling guilty for not telling the truth to Devan about the way their parents has been treating Collins. Devan looked at Collins skeptically making Collins shrink down a little and then he saw the skeptical look go away "Alright but if anyone or anything is hurting you please come to me i know your the older brother and it should be the other way around but i love protecting you also yes i know im smaller than you but im still here to protect you like you protect me. Got it?"Devan asked in a firm voice but not enough to make Collins flinch. Collins nodded giving him a small smile. straight. Devans eyes filled with worry and sadness at seeing his brother and his best friend in pain. "What happened Collins?"Devan asked putting his hand lightly on Collins shoulder. "I dont know when i woke up i started feeling like that"Collins says giving Devan a slight smile Oh why don't you lay down and i'll help you as good as i can"Devan says smiling at Collins. Collins lightly smiled back at him "It hurts so bad Dev i almost fell over walking to the door a few minutes ago"Collins says he was standing near his bed now "Oh Collins"Devan says in a  worried voice "Now lie down and let me be the older brother for now"Devan says smiling at Collins fondly while teasing making Collins pout but a small smile spread across his face "Yes sir"Collins says doing a funny salute making Devan burst out laughing and then Collins slowly got on got on the bed wincing in making all of his muscles jump and he cried out in pain a little. Devan rushed to Collins side sitting down by him and he softly rubbed Collins back making Collins close his eyes "Its ok Collins i got you i promise"Devan says putting his arm around Collins shoulder making Collins lay his head down on Devans shoulder and he suddenly got tears in his "Im sorry Dev"Collins says feeling tears going down his eyes making Devan look down at him "What are you sorry for Collins?"Devan asked softly rubbing Collins shoulder softly "Im the older brother and im the one who needs to be nursed when you are the younger one and you need the protection more than i do"Collins says more tears came to his eyes "i-im so sorry"Collins stammered. Devan looked down at him "Hey hey look at me"Devan says softly seeing Collins with his head buried into his shoulder starting to cry silently "Please look at me Collins"Devan says in a soft voice Collins looked up at Devan with his blue eyes glistening from a lot of tears in his eyes. Devan put his thumb on his cheek wiping his tears away "I dont mind protecting you and taking care of you when you most need and you know why i dont mind taking care of you while you are hurt or sick?"Devan asked him softly still rubbing the fallen tears away from Collins cheeks."W-Why?"Collins asked curious who did this to you?!"Devan asked him sternly "They told me not to tell you"Collins accidentally said aloud putting his hand over his mouth "So someone has been hurting who has been doing this to you?"Devan says "I-I said to much already Dev i cant tell you they threatened me if i ever told you"Collins says facing away from Devan. It all suddenly came to realization for him one of his parents would make him go to the store with them or for them Devan realized something that he didnt ever want to realize ever "If i ask you this will you tell me the truth?"Devan asked him looking at him "I-it depends"Collins says looking up at Devan with tears in his eyes "Has mom or dad hurt you?"Devan asked softly that seemed to set Collins anxiety off making him start shaking "Yes or no Collins?"Devan asked putting a hand on Collins arm. Collins looked at Devan with his eyes full of tears and then the next few minutes seemed to freeze as Collins slowly nodded his head "Y-Yes"Collins says sadly. *the next day* Collins woke up to find that Devan was no longer in the bed with him Collins figured that Devan was downstairs eating breakfast or painting. Collins got up going into the bathroom he made a disgust face once again when he saw himself in the mirror "I really need to lose weight" Collins whispers to himself and then did his business and then went back into the bedroom and hesitantly walked down the stairs just in case he was alone with his dad or mom. Collins jumped a little when he saw his dad sitting on the recliner reading the newspaper Collins heart started to race and he quietly went into the kitchen hoping that Devan was in there he began to panic more when he saw that Devan wasn't. "Hey annoying boy"Steven says making Collins jump "H-Hi Dad"Collins says looking at him with scared eyes. Steven smirked at him "I sent Devan to the store with your mom so i could make sure you haven't told our precious boy about what me and your mom has been doing to you"Steven says walking closer to Collins making Collins back up more making light whimper sounds. Steven glared at Collins "So have you told him about it boy?"Steven asked glaring more at him making Collins shake his head fast. Steven grew angrier not hearing words come out of Collins mouth "Answer me in words!"Steven exclaimed making Collins whimper and tears began to well up in his eyes "I said answer me!"Steven says getting closer to Collins making him whimper louder "N-No s-sir i-i h-havent t-told h-him"Collins stammered looking at Steven with scared eyes still. Steven smirked at him "Good worthless boy"Steven sneered making Collins start to cry more "Dont be such a cry baby!"Steven yelled getting even the closer to Collins making Collins whimper louder. Collins was about to walk to the stairs to go upstairs but Steven grabbed him roughly "Did i tell you to walk away?!"Steven yelled at him making Collins fall to the floor cowering a little making Steven start laughing "You may be tall but you sure get scared a lot haha how pathetic are you? "Steven says kicking Collins really hard in the side mamaking Collins cry out in pain "S-Stop please"Collins says in tears "Please stop i never did anything to you for you to hate me did i-i?"Collins asked staring up at him with sad blue making Steven smirk and then start laughing "Yes you did do something to me"Steven says kick Collins again in the side making him cry out "W-what did i do?"Collins weakly asked because he was in pain "I already told you before why i dont love you anymore your annoying, loud, always hyper, and so much more i honestly dont see why so many girls like you because you are so ugly and fat and i honestly dont see why Devan looks up to you so much because all you are is annoying!"Steven says as his voice rose higher making Collins shake while still on the floor. Steven rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle "Oh you stupid boy how did you ever think i loved you or even your mom loved you i kind of wish Devan would have been our first and only child"Steven says kicking Collins again laughing. Collins started crying heavily and finally got the strength to get up and run up the stairs and fell on his bed crying and he sent a text to Devan: Im not feeling well Dev 😔  Devan:Aww whats wrong Collins? 😕 Collins:I feel like my stomach and my side was kicked in :/ Devan:Im so sorry Collins me and mom will be home soon and i'll be upstairs with you i promise you💟 Collins:Thank you so much Dev love you so much😊  Devan:Love you so much more we'll be home soon Collins😊💟. Collins smiled just a little at the text and laid down wincing in pain from the kicks to his stomach "T-Thats what i get for being worthless"Collins says starting to cry again and he jumped when a loud knock was on his door "Dont run away like that again worthless boy!"Steven says making Collins go to the door quickly and lock it and then go in his covers shaking from fear and he ended up falling asleep but he was woken up a few minutes later by soft knocks "Collins are you ok?"Devan asked softly making Collins sigh in relief and got up to go to the door and opening it slowly his whole body was sore from his shoulders to his hips. Devan stepped in and his eyes immediately filled with worry when he saw Collins wasnt standing up straight. "I-im sorry i didnt tell you i was really scared to tell you im sorry i didn't"Collins says looking at Devan with sad eyes "Aww its ok im just so shocked that mom and dad would hurt you like this i mean i could tell something was going on because you flinch a lot and you always have a scared look when you are around them"Devan says tracing a bruise on Collins collarbone making a sad face "That looks so terrible"Devan says with tears in his eyes looking at the bruise. Collins shrugged his shoulders "I deserve it Devan"Collins says in a shaky voice making Devan look at his face quickly "Dont you dare say that you dont deserve to be in pain no one deserves to be put in pain you are so amazing and wonderful Collins you dont deserve any negative things"Devan says in a honest voice starting to get tears in his eyes. Collins jumped when he heard footsteps walking away from his door making Collins look at Devan fast with scared eyes thinking that one of their parents heard their conversation "D-Dev-" Collins says his anxiety already rising up a little. "Its ok Collins if its mom or dad and they heard us i will make sure you stay by my side more often if i have to go to the store you are coming with me ok"Devan says looking at Collins making Collins nod but his heart started racing fast making him start having a panic attack. Devan held Collins tight in his arms "Shh please calm down for me i wont let them hurt you anymore i promise you shh Collins shh"Devan whispers into Collins ear. Collins finally calmed down "Im so sorry for acting that way im just so scared"Collins says putting his head on Devans chest Devan put his arms around Collins shoulders "I know Collins im here to protect you now im here im always here"Devan reassured Collins. Collins nodded slowly falling asleep. Devan smiled down at Collins when he heard soft sounds coming from Collins mouth. Devan eyes flooded with tears when he glanced at Collins back because it was really bruised and it looked like it hurt a lot and had an idea when Collins woke up again Devan would massage Collins back with a sponge. Devan slowly began to fall asleep but a few minutes later he woke up to hear crying and whimpering coming from Collins. "Dont leave me Dev please"Collins says in his sleep making Devans heart break because he couldnt bare seeing his best friends/brother like this. Collins started to cry more Devan softly shook him awake. Collins woke up and hugged Devans waist close to him "Shh its ok Collins im here i wont leave you"Devan whispered softly kissing Collins head softly. Collins shook slightly in Devans arms "Please never leave me Dev i couldnt bare it if you started hating me also"Collins says looking into Devans eyes and the look in Collins eyes made Devans heart shatter all over again Devan could see how broken Collins was. "I would never Collins i promise you"Devan says promising him.

A/n:Sorry for such a long waited updates on the story but i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Love you guys so much and i always will no matter what! Like, Vote, and Comment if you would like to!💟 Again i apologise for such a long awaited update i've just been busy but here you wonderful people go!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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