8. Happy Birthday

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(A/N): I tried :(( I'm sorry it looks so bad...
She was going to have an amazing birthday party!

Yup it's my birthday...I hate my birthday.
It's the one day everyone acts like i'm okay. I hate parties, cake, songs, all of it. But May knew it was my birthday and she wanted to do something. So I allowed it. It's better than having a cake and everyone praising you to make wish that will never happen in your near future.

It's was about 7pm. May and I pulled up in front of the apartment. We realized how crowded it was and we pushed our selves through the crowd thinking someone else was having a party. That crowd lead to our apartment...

I shoved everyone out of the way looking for Peter. "Peter!" I shouted over the loud music. Along the journey of looking for Peter I was picking up red solo cups and trash around the house. I saw Ned and Michelle talking in a corner and sped walked over there. "What the hell is happening!" I shouted because the music was hell of loud.

"Happy birthday!" They both shouted back in unison

"Yeah yeah, thanks, where's Peter?!" I said waving my hand in a motion of not caring. I didn't want to be rude but I didn't like parties at all.

Ned pointed over into the kitchen. I gave him a nod thanking him then hurried into the kitchen. i glanced around searching for Peter and everyone started clapping. I had a confused look on my face. Then everyone started chanting 'Birthday Girl' . How did so many people know it was my birthday? I pushed that thought from  my mind when I saw Peter in the corner talking to a girl. Liz. I rushed over to him, his head quickly tuning to me meeting my eyes. "Y/N hey!" he shouted over the blaring music in our eyes.

"Hey! Can we talk!?" I asked ignoring the fact that Liz was standing right there. Peter nodded and I grabbed his hand pulling him towards my room. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I saw two people I didn't even know making out on my bed. "Oh my god! Get the hell out!" I said walking over to the couple and pushing them out. I slammed the door behind them.

"Happy birthday" Peter said with jazz hands. He slid them into his pockets looking onto the ground at his feet.

"Peter, I didn't want a birthday party! Let alone a surprise party!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air. "How did you even know it was- May told you didn't she?" I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to do something nice for you because you know your life and all-" he started

"Peter I don't need your pity! All I wanted to do on my birthday was to watch a movie with you and May!" I said throwing my hands into the air.

"I'm sorry." Peter said with tears filling his eyes but he held them back.

"And now there is a fucking party going on! I- I can't be here..." I turned facing the door and walked out.

"Y/N don't leave" Peter said before I walked into the blaring sounds of rave and the smell of marijuana. I looked around for May. I found her and told her I was going to stay out with a friend tonight and that I'd be back tomorrow morning. I went back into my room to see Peter in there with- with Liz. I was angry and shocked. I looked at Peter then Liz and shoved through them both. I walked over to my dresser and started shoving clothes into my bag.

"Get out of my room" I said shedding a tear, slamming my drawer shut. I heard the close and I turned around to see Peter standing there.

"It wasn't like that i swear" Peter started. i walked passed him going over to my night stand and picking up some of my books. "Y/N talk to me!" he shouted. I turned around looking at him.

"And say what!? I'm okay with the fact that you and your fucking ex were in my room alone?! Or- or say I'm sorry?! I'm not Peter!" I said shouting at the top of my lungs. My throat was burning. My eyes began to flood with tears again. i wiped them away without breaking eye contact with Peter.

"I'm sor-"

"Stop saying that!" He tried to walk closer to me and I reacted by throwing that cactus he gave me when I first moved in. I didn't mean to throw it. It was just a reaction. Thank god he dodged it. "Shit...I didn't mean to break that" I said walking pass him to look at the broke vase that the cactus was once in. "Nor did I mean to throw it" I said wiping the pieces into my hand. I wasn't thinking as I was swiping the pieces of glass into my hand, which caused me to cut my hand "Shit!" i shrieked as the glass sliced me from my pinky finger to my wrist. Peter rushed over to me kneeling down reaching for my hand. I yanked it back and looked at him.

"let me help..." he said sincerely. I put my hand forward and he looked at it. I touched my slice slightly. I flinched and jolted my body back. "I'm sorry" He said looking back at my hand. I stared at his face and he was fucking hot. "Come on" He lifted me up by my hand, careful not to hurt me, and we walked over to my bed and sat down. He got up and walked into the bathroom to get the first aid May made for me. He came back out with Peroxide, hand wraps, and a rag.

He sat down next to me and put his hand out gesturing for me to give him my hand. I gave him my hand and he said, "This is going to hurt". He opened the peroxide and poured in on my hand. It stung so bad, I gripped his thigh and squeezed it. I felt his body tense when I touched him. "S- Sorry" he said looking at my hand not breaking contact with it for a second. He placed the peroxide on the ground and grabbed the rag. He dabbed it over the slice and peroxide making sure it was clean. The cut wasn't deep, it just bleed a lot. He placed the rag on the ground and got the hand wraps and wrapped them around his hand. "There..." He said finally looking at you.

His eyes were a soft brown. I looked at them and I gotten lost. We stared at each for seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years. Or at least it felt like it. "I'm sorry" He said one last time breaking the silence

"I know" I said, then I leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was passionate and deep. My hands moved to his cheeks pulling him closer. He grabbed my hips. I didn't realize but we began to lie down with me on top of him and his feet still touching the ground. With a leg on each side of him, I continued to kiss him and tug on his hair. Then he started kissing my neck, when he found my sweet spot he sucked on it. I was a moaning mess.

I wanted him, all of him.

(2.4k words💕)
sorry this one was really long and probably boring. But check out my other stories! I'm giving myself a self promo wow i'm so shameful...

Peter parker x reader (exchange student)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang