"What does he want?" Gregori asked.

"Proof it wasn't you who murdered those people and that Vertigo is—fine."

"Well, I'm not fine and he knows that." I tossed the card on the table next to the flowers and thought. Everything Aidan did had a purpose. The obvious one for this was my attention. I needed to decide, and fast, if I wanted to give it to him. "You can send him my med report as proof. I'm sure he'll find it a fascinating read."

"We also have the security footage of Phillies being in the building during the time of the murders."

Problem was Aidan knew about Aleksei. He didn't know who did what and wanted to know. So in a way, this wasn't so much about the case but about—

"He wants attention," I said. "And I'm not inclined to give him any more of mine." I turned and faced Lena. "Feel free to give him yours though but my suggestion? Send the redacted file along with my med report and the security tapes and be done with it."

He's at the Brownstone, finalizing the move Michael responded.

And where is Jon?

Where do you think?

Sitting outside the Brownstone like a good little dangerous Vampire. That made me smile on the inside.

Tell him to introduce himself and I'll be there soon.

A very loud growl echoed through my head at the same time Lena said, "Why does he want attention?"

She was my superior and I owed her an answer. But how was I supposed to summarize all the toxic back-and-forth history I had with Hanover without revealing too much. Not to mention the fact he'd just killed me. That was a tidbit I never wanted to share with her.

"He thinks it'll get him what he wants."

"Georgiana, this needs to be dealt with. Now."

"Then deal with it," I said. "Unless you want me to."

"You most certainly will not deal with it," Gregori said.

He'd stayed quiet up to this point and I commended him on that. But now, he was overstepping just a bit. I gave him a sour look before turning my attention back to Lena.

"I know what this is about, Lena, you don't. So take my advice or let me deal with it my way."

"We all know he's not going to be placated by words on paper," she said. "He wants a face-to-face conversation with you because the attention he wants is yours."

Lena wasn't stupid, but in a way, she helped create this mess. Part of me wondered if she realized that yet.

"Was that not obvious when you first read my file?" Her eyes popped wide and before she answered, I continued to speak unfiltered. "I've never actually read my file but I know Aidan Hanover's name popped up in there more than once and the results were never good. Pretty sure the shrink I saw back in Nebraska suggested all contact with Hanover should be prohibited and supervised. Do you want me to continue pointing out the totality of the fuckup taking Hanover's case was or have you figured it out yet for yourself?"


"No, Lena, and I'm trying to be as respectful as I can about this but—" I shrugged "—I don't know what else you want from me. You opened this can of worms by taking his case and assigning it to me. You either figure out how to close it on your own or let me deal with it my way."

Lena stood there, fuming and thinking about it. "Fine. Just make sure whatever you do doesn't land at the Guild's feet. I can only protect you so much before people begin to cry favorites."

The Future in My VeinsWhere stories live. Discover now