The Grayl

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“Please don’t get me wrong Ms. Neveu, I understand the Fibonacci Sequence and I understand your plight, however I fail to understand why.”

Sophie sighed heavily.  “Mr. Gray, Saunière, the ‘corpse’ as you so eloquently put it, is my estranged grandfather.  He was so close...”

“So close to what?”

“To finding the Holy Grayl, the secret of eternal youth...”

“Oh.” Said Dorian, a nasty feeling pooling in the pit of his stomach, “And what exactly is this Grail?”

“Grayle,” Sophie corrected, “It’s like the fountain of youth, but Dorian...” She grabbed his shoulders in a vice-like grip, “It’s real, I know it is... Wouldn’t you like to live forever?”

“I’m sure it’s probably not all it’s cracked up to be.”

“You said that you understood the Fibonacci Sequence, we couldn’t put a name to it until you arrived, it’s such ancient code,” Sophie’s eyes were pleading and he could not deny her an explanation.

“The Fibonacci sequence is simple.  It’s an integer sequence.” Dorian advised, “In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation;  Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.”  He stared at Sophie’s confused face, “One plus one equals two, two plus one equals three, two plus three equals five, five plus three equals...” he prompted.


“Well done,” he resisted the urge to pat her on the head.  “This code appears to lead us to a safety deposit box.  Do they still exist?”

“They do,” Sophie smiled, “Where?”

“It points to Zurich.”

“Oh!” Sophie exclaimed, ”That’s in the south western sector.  It’s where the Louvre visitors put their luggage...”

“So the sequence relates to a locker number,” Dorian deduced, “It’s locker 555.”

“Then that’s where we have to go,” said Sophie determinedly, “That must be where the cryptex is.”

Her joy was short-lived however as the bathroom doors burst open and the Louvre Tactical Guard poured in en-masse, surrounding Dorian and backing him up against the wall.

“Dorian Gray,” they spoke as one, “You were forcibly ejected from the Parisian planet in 1994 after your attempted invasion and subsequently banished to London.  We are here to forcibly eject you once more.”

Dorian stared at their identical blue armoured uniforms, each sporting an identical sidearm.  As he looked up at their faces, covered with identical visors, he realised they weren’t human.  They were simply too identical, their voices, their movements, everything.

He laughed as he looked into the visor of the nearest Guard, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but this isn’t exactly Paris anymore, it’s a Museum planet.”

“Does... Not... Compute...” the Guards said.

Dorian took full advantage of their momentary confusion and grabbed the nearest Guards weapon before putting his head down and barrelling through their ranks to join Sophie on the far side of the room.  As one, the Guards turned, each reaching for their weapon, even the Guard who was now lacking in that particular department.

“Shoot them!” Sophie yelled.  Dorian pulled the trigger an instant before the Guards did the same.  He watched in amazement as they seemed to be enveloped by a forcefield, their own shots ricocheting off of it and straight back at them as they crumpled to the ground, twitching and convulsing as their circuits fried under the massive blast of power contained within such close quarters.

Dorian's Grayl SFSD #4 Round IIWhere stories live. Discover now