Washington: The 13 Steps to Hell

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Why it's Creepy

Basically the opposite of the Zeppelin song, the Maltby Cemetery -- itself the subject of rumors associating with Satanism -- is rumored to include a subterranean tomb for a really creepy rich family that could accessed by 13 steps that led to their final resting place. Or the final resting place of every damned soul in history, as legend has it that descending the entire stair case led you to glimpse hell itself.

Where it Came From

The cemetery's been around since 1901, though the crypt itself's dates has been lost to time...as have the stairs themselves, which have been bulldozed and covered in concrete. That hasn't stopped curious paranormal masochists from trespassing on the secluded private property, allegedly showing up at the cemetery at night eager to unearth it via nocturnal excavation missions...and being greeted by the cemetery's other apparitions. -- AK

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