Zial, A 1D Bromance '^'

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Nials POV 

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!! IM RUINED, THE BAND IS RUINED!!! Im done... I was just singing at the concert and I accidentally made eye contact with Zayn and I sang I love you on my solo instead of what i was supposed to sing.. Now everyone knows, could my life get any worse??? Now Im going to get kicked out of the band.... Could my love for Zayn be this strong? No of course not. Im not gay, why do I always think I am, but how am i going to talk out of this one...

Zayns POV

Nials been acting really strange lately, first off he normally stays around and talks but lately he has  been running to his room and only leaving when he has too, ive seen him maybe an hour at the most this week, then he accidently said his next verse instead of what he was supposed to sing while looking at me, then choked, and last he ran off the stage so we had to finish the concert without him and now i have to go talk to him, we all made the decision. We know hes in his bedroom but he locked the door. Right now Louise is tryng to get him to unlock it, but its not working... 

5 min later

Nial finally unlocked the door and then everyone pushed me in so it was just me and nial... the boys said they would go and a few seconds later i heard the front door open then slam shut. I then turned to nial, and asked "Hey mate, whats wrong you've been acting out of it lately?"

"Yeah im good, and sorry bout earlier my throat hurt like bloody hell"

"oh, well do you have anything on your mind, I mean, what have you been doing in here alone lately"

Nials POV

I finally unlocked the door and louise fell in my room, then almost immediatly Zayn was pushed in and and they closed the door and left. Great, leave me with the boy i think i may be in love with,ugh.

Then he sat down and started asking me questions, the first i just said my throat hurt hoping he would belive me and then he asked ""oh, well do you have anything on your mind, I mean, what have you been doing in here alone lately" So they noticed, well i wasnt really much of a secret, and to be homest ive been thinking of him, but i cant tell him that so i made up a crappy reason "Oh, well ive been feeling under the weather lately sorry" He probably wont believe it, but its the best i got right now. After that he only said oh and we watched T.V. and i got to cuddle with him for a little


Hey, guys

thanks for reading chapter 1, i hope you like it so far, and i promise the chapters will be longer later, if you have any question or comments or grammer and what not you want to tell me, just comment or pm me, now have i very nice day bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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