What could Ezra have possibly done that could get him arrested?


"Thanks for taking the kids this weekend. I hate to leave them," I frown, as I watch Chloe and Leon run to their room at Ricky's.

"Is everything alright?" Ricky asks me.

"I just have a family emergency to attend to. Jesse needs me," I lie.

"Is he alright?" Ricky asks.

"It's kind of difficult to explain," I frown.

"Say no more," Ricky says, putting his hands up.

"I'll see you in a few days," I say. 

Ricky waves as I pull out of his driveway, and I wave back to him.


"Thanks for meeting me here," I say, closing the hotel door. 

"No problem," Andy says, setting his jacket down. 

After dropping off the kids, I drove to a local hotel. I paid attention closely, making sure that I wasn't followed. 

"Luke and Clay should be here soon," I sigh.

A few minutes pass, and I hear a knock on the door. I look through the peephole, and I see Luke standing outside. I open the door, and I pull him in quickly.

"Thanks for coming," I say, hugging him.

"Anything for you of course," Luke says. 

A knock erupts on the door again, and this time it's Clay. I open the door, pulling him in quickly as well. He gives me a brief hug, which I return.

"Thank you for being here," I say.

"Of course."

The boys all shake hands.

"If anyone saw all three of you come in my room, they probably wouldn't think highly of me," I say, causing us all to laugh a little. 

"So what's going on?" Clay asks, sitting down on the bed.

Luke sits next to Clay, and Andy sits on the other bed.

"For starters, I have something to tell both of you," I say, turning to Luke and Clay.

Clay raises an eyebrow, and Luke looks at Andy.

"He knows something I don't?" Luke asks.

"I'm pregnant."

"Really?" Luke asks.

"Andy only knows because he's my doctor."

"Congratulations!" Clay grins.

"Is it Ezra's?" Luke asks.

I nod my head.

"It's very early though, so I haven't told anyone. You all aren't allowed to tell either."

"Is that what you brought us here for?" Luke chuckles.

"I wish," I sigh.

Clay gives me a look, and I look over at Andy.

"Lucy is pregnant too."

Clay gasps and Luke's mouth drops.

"However, she's not pregnant with Ezra's baby," I say, a smile twitching at my lips a little. 

"I don't see the big issue then," Clay points out.

"Well, Lucy knows a lot of things."

I tell them all the threats she made, and by the end, they're all shocked.

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