"That's no where close to a bucket, Bella." He opened the cover of his, dug a tiny white spoon in it.

"Is that strawberry flavour?" I asked scrutinizingly as if it wasn't that obvious and right in my view.

"I got you vanilla. Was thinking you'd prefer that?"

"Of course, I do," I responded, burying my earlier aim of making him return mine in exchange for another just to punish him. I uncovered the can scooping a spoonful to my mouth. The too familiar taste hit my taste bud, my eyes lidded in concentration. A loud chuckle had me snapping it open. Daniel stared at me over his spoon-filled ice cream. "What?" Was all I could think to utter in my confused state.

"You were moaning like a__"

"Don't..." I interrupted, "...complete whatever it is you wanted to say."

"And what do you think I was about saying?" He smirked.

"Does any word devoid of sexual meaning come after moaning?"

"Oh, my! You are too sensitive. Well, I wasn't about saying anything disturbing to you. You need to filter your thoughts; maybe you've been thinking dirty all these while."

My face heats up at his words. "Why'd I think stuff that doesn't fit my..."

"It's okay. I get it. Now shall we continue with our ice cream?"

"The next time you say something like that..." I glared at him.

"There might not be a next time, sweetie." He winked.


"You bother way too much, Isabella."

I glared at him some more. "Hello, mister. I have had enough__"

"All right, all right. Shall we?"


"The last time I checked, that's my name." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes giving up on the exchange. "You win, alright." I stabbed my spoon into the cup.

"I always win, though."

I huffed suppressing the urge to make a snappy comeback. That way, we sank into bottomless silence. That upset me in a way I didn't bargain for. Did I not hear him clearly when he'd said he wanted to disclose something to me, and not in the eatery. What's stopping him from saying it here? I pushed my ice cream away. Giving up on it, too.

"You don't like it here?" As I made to give a reply, that was when I found out that the content of his was gone, down in his stomach. "Well, I'm done. We may leave." As he said so, he pulled to his feet. Stared down at me.

What the hell is wrong with you... you this... this... ugh!

I stood up, concealing my disappointment. Pinched back the words of protest levelled on my tongue. I reached for my phone in my bag to check what time it was, and widened my eyes when I saw the time had leaped from 2:O'clock to 6:55 pm. How did that happen? Flew so fast without me having a notice of it. I glanced around, then realised why; the glowing white bulb all around providing light could pass off for the day. It was so bright like sunshine. My area was not a place to stroll at night. So many bad crimes are being committed on a daily basis in the dark alleys. As much as I wanted to spend more time with him, I wouldn't have hoodlums trailing behind me to harm me. I sucked a sigh of disappointment.

Suddenly, so suddenly, Daniel, wheezed out an alien gruff bending over to the table. my hands shot forward, I grabbed his shoulder before he made a face fall. My eyes, this time, wide in both curiosity and fright. "What's happening, Daniel?" I cried holding him in place. "Are you..." my eyebrows slanted together in confusion, "...okay." what I saw when he raised his head left me dumbfounded for half a second. A smile. Strange for someone who recently screamed out of what I assumed to be pain. "Is this some kind of..."

"Thanks to know you care a lot about me." He straightened, his smile getting bigger.

My hands fell to my sides. My face inched to a frown. "You don't joke with things like that!" I left the spot, marching ahead, each step communicating my annoyance.

"Hey, wait. I'm sorry, alright? I was trying to get a reaction from you. To know if you__"

"Oh, shut your gob." I whirled, collided abruptly into him. Caged a sharp breath. "There are many ways to find out if someone gives a damn about you. The one you chose is uncalled for," I said ignoring the rapt pounding of my heart against his.

"I said I'm sorry."

"Um, how cute." I twisted my face, forced myself away from his warmth and down the road. Counted to ten and all over again to pry my mind away from the distracting feelings his being close gave to me.


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