Chapter 10

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"Yeah." His eyes narrowed in concentration.

"You can chase your dreams while you study." I pushed affront on my seat. "Doing both at a time will hinder nothing positive and good in your life. Instead it'll beget an amazing result."

He moved a hand to his head and scratched. "Not as easy as you think. I love music, and find myself composing songs in my head since when I was a kid. My mother would always scold me when she hears me singing or rapping. She stopped me from doing that around our home, only if I'm alone. Tells me about being a doctor and helping the generation." Sadness sparked in his eyes as he looked down, all traces of humor, gone. "I love music so much, I sing most times in my dreams at night." He pointed to a window, and under it, rested a guitar. "Over there is one of my musical instruments. My mum seized the remaining ones I bought two years ago, and vows to curse me if I buy any in her absence. She wants me to heal people by being a medical doctor, but I've got no brain for that."

Finding out this special part of him, I realized why his laughter sounded like music to the ears. Biding my time, fighting not to say bad things about his mother for forcing her child into taking a course that he hates, I stood up, licked my dry lips. "There are two types of pain, Anthony." I took his hands, slowly. "Emotionally and physical." I inhaled, slowly. "Medical professionals can only heal that of the physical, but never that of emotional. Music... most good songs penetrate deep into human to lift burdens, heal the broken heart, motivate the weak, raise the fallen, give hope to the depressed. Take for instance the story of, Kechi the beautiful Singer in American got talent; music was what kept her going through the phase of her physical and emotional healing till she came out strong. Healed other people with her voice and music. If you are sure that that is your calling, then go for it and never look back. Let each day count in your achievement. Any wasted day or time will not come back for you make use of." I dropped my hand to my side. "If no one else believes in you, I do."

"I do, too." I glanced at Daniel to see him smile and he nodded twice. "I do," he repeated.

Anthony, exhaled loudly that it seemed he was holding back tears. I gazed at him. "From now on, don't let any minute go for a waste. We all have limited time to be on earth. Do and achieve great things while you are alive, what many generations will remember you for when you are gone."

"I-I..." The smile he tried faltered into a sigh. "I'm grateful. I can't express how inspired I am. Thank you very much."

"Always welcome, dear."

"You know what__"

"That's enough for a day," Daniel spoke up, interrupting his speech.

I shot a disapproving look at him. "Do you have to say that?"

"Get yourself out, already," Daniel muttered, ignoring me. There was something in his voice I couldn't pinpoint on. Giving up, I sat back.

"You were about leaving before she came, weren't you?"

Anthony, laughed breaking the awkward moment. "Oh, my bad. I'd totally forgotten." He grinned. "See ya later." He winked at me, then sauntered from the room, the door shut behind him.

"Was that really necessary?"

Daniel skimmed through a book he was holding, his gaze left it to travel to mine without saying a word. His brown irises linked, I became mesmerized, my eyes suddenly hazy as though a fog blocked my vision. I wallowed in the moment, wondering what was happening to me...

"Like I said, he was leaving before you arrived to run an errand," he broke the silence. Whatever that held me, vanished. I groaned in frustration. Why can't I just focus. Stop finding him attractive. Everything about him hypnotized me, like he'd casted a love spell on me.

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