Everything Will Be Ok

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The kit coughs tasting blood.
Where is she? She would make everything better. She always did. It hurt so much!
"Momma!" The kit cries. The little creature didn't care if anything else heard. Until something did.
"Momma! MOMMA!" The kit tries to get up. the pain is too immense. It sobs watching the beast step down the cliff the kit fell from some time ago. The little thing can't bear to close its eyes. This couldn't be it. Not yet.
"Everything's ok little one. I've been looking for you." It's voice shifts its pitch from deep thunder to soft birdsong with no effort.
"What are you?" The kit stares eyes wide as full moons.
"Are you ready to go?"
The kit's jaw drops. This wasn't a beast, but a spirit. No it couldn't be, this wasn't it. How could it? Like this?
"Not now, I'm not ready! I didn't even have my first hunt, or my rock collection, mom..." The kit sobs. "I didn't even get to say goodby."
"Shhh shh baby we don't have to go just yet" the great creature rests it's long body in the grass beside the kit.
"But how could it be time? I was just playing..."
"Sometimes things just happen, It's not your fault."
"It's not fair! I was going to do so much! Why do you have to take like this?"
"Look around,"
Birds fly overhead, oblivious to the exchange happening below. The sun is warm despite the chill. Leaves rustle from the bushes behind them.
"I don't just take. I give too. Your here because I took from others to give to you. It's not something that's yours, only borrowed."
"Then I could give you something else. Then you would let me walk away wouldn't you?"
The great spirit shakes it's head.
"It doesn't work like that little one. If I left, you would still be broken. It would get worse."
"But you could fix me right?"
"Trust me when I say I would if I had the power."
The kit stares at the grass. Tears start to fall again. "What's going to happen to me?"
"That's for you to discover."
"Will I ever see my mom again?"
"I can't tell you that"
"Will she miss me?"
"She will cry for manny moons."
There was something about that answer the kit didn't like. "Forever?"
"Yes, but she will smile again."
"Will I get to tell her goodby?"
"I'm afraid not."
A breeze tickles the landscape. It's such a beautiful day.
"... I'm ready"
Death takes the kit by the scruff. The pain vanishes as the body is left behind.
Mom finds the tiny kit at the bottom of the cliff.
"I'll love you forever." What was once the kit whispers even though she would never hear it, but it would be felt in other ways.

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