Chapter 9: Enter the Shen Gong Wu

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“Until then, welcome to my room… Kitten.” Chase says in a taunting manner. He then places (Y/n) on the new pillow, then walked towards the eastern wall. “Wait, where are you going?” she asked. “To take a shower, care to join me, Kitten?” She blushes at his question and turns her head. “No thanks.”

“Hmm. Very well then, maybe next time.” He says before pushing a spot on the wall to reveal a hidden door leading to the bathroom. 

Not long after Chase had closed the door, (Y/n) heard the water start running. She then crawled up to the edge of the bed and looked down. Realizing that she was now too small to make that kind of jump, she crawled back to her pillow, and laid back down in a huff. After a couple of minutes pass, Scar plops his two front paws onto Chase’s bed and looks at her worryingly. “How are you feeling, M’Lady?”

“I’m fine ju-AAAH!! YOU CAN TALK!?” She screamed in surprise.

“You DO realize that you are a cat now… right? So it’s only natural that you can now understand the rest of us.” Scar said with an apathetic look on his face. “Oh” was all she could say to her humiliation. “Sorry, I guess I’m just so confused about everything that common sense is sort of out the window right now. I mean, why did my aura cause me to turn into a teeny tiny kitten? Why did Chase feel the need to make me stay like this? Or bring me into his room for that matter.” She said, still trying to figure everything out. Scar tilted his head, trying to figure out the answers to her questions himself. “I wish I could be of more help M’Lady. To be honest, I can’t answer all of your questions, but I can give you my best guesses and answer the ones I know.”

“Like?” She asks, hoping that he could at least answer one. “Well, M’Lady, Master Chase knows that you are a quick learner. He has faith that you will figure this out, perhaps even before he has the chance to give you any kind of instructions. As to why he’s decided to have you in his room, he probably figures that, because you’re so small now, it will be difficult to do even the smallest of tasks. Sorry, poor word choice.” 

“MY SIZE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY ABILITIES.” She stated puffing her chest out with pride. “Really? Then let’s see you get off this bed then.” Scar says doubtfully. “Okay, I see your point.” She responds, her pride deflating and ears drooping.

“Exactly. Besides, Master Chase has wanted to have you stay in here ever since he first brought you here. But he thought that would scare you. He didn’t know what you would think of him. He even thought about moving you in here when he brought you back after you ran off, so that he could personally see to it that your wounds healed properly.” Scar explained. “He deeply cares about you. He wants nothing more than to keep you safe and happy. He’s shown more compassion since you’ve come along than I’ve ever seen in my 1400 years of service to him.”

“He is a lot nicer than I’d expect from an evil warrior. ……… Wait 1400 years? Chase, I can understand with the whole ‘eternal youth potion’ thing but how…?” She was so confused by the tiger’s confession that she couldn’t even finish her question. 

“If I’m completely honest, I’m 1487 years old. I was a great warrior myself, in my youth. After age began to slow my movements, I became a monk. I somehow ended up with the title Wise War Monk. I knew all the tricks in the book and because of that, I was unbeatable at chess. However, when war began to ravage the village I knew as home, Master Chase came along and made me a deal. ‘If you beat me in a game of chess, I will grant you eternal youth and strength so that you can keep your home safe for all eternity. However, if I win, I will save your village this one time, but you will serve me however I see fit for all eternity.’ That was the deal he made me. All I could think about was keeping everyone safe, so I accepted it. For the first time ever, I lost. Master Chase then snapped his fingers and I became young again. He said that he had no use for an old servant. When he snapped his fingers again, I turned into a tiger. He walked to the ledge of the hill my temple was on, overlooking everything and with a flick of his wrist, the village was peaceful again. The flames disappeared, the soldiers attacking the village had been thrown out and laid dead outside of the village, but the general who commanded them was gone. The flames reappeared behind us, in my temple, and a man came running out engulfed in those same flames before falling at Master Chase’s feet. It was when he fell that I realized that it was the general who had ordered the attack who was now nothing more than ash. With the deal done, I became a servant, and my village is now one of the most famous cities in the world.”

“Really? What city?” She asked curiously.

“Hong Kong.” He answered. 

All of a sudden, the door to the bathroom opened and out came Chase with pants on but no shirt, water still dripping from his long hair. (Y/n) couldn’t help but watch as one of the droplets of water flowed down his chest, maneuvering through his finely tuned abs, before being absorbed into the waistband of his pants. 

“Enjoying the view, Kitten?” He asked teasingly as she blushed and quickly turned her head to avoid getting distracted again. This caused Chase to laugh until the bedroom door slammed open, revealing a heavily breathing leopard in the doorway. With all three now having their attention on the leopard, he began to speak. “The scroll is glowing.” At those four words, both Scar and Chase grew stiff. (Y/n) on the other hand was confused. “Why is everyone so tense about a scroll glowing? I realize it’s a bit strange but so is everything else around here. So what’s so important about a scroll glowing?” Chase quickly picked her up and placed her on one of his broad shoulders and quickly made his way to a small room that had nothing but drawers in the walls and a pedestal with a now glowing scroll resting on it.

“It means a powerful Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself."

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now