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Narcos pov-

Man fuck this school on my mommy nigga. Loud ass bitches, niggas show up smelling musty, freshman bitches on my dick and im not tryna catch a case. These teachers blow me too bro. Like what the fuck a nigga gotta do to graduate quicker? Im a senior only in the month of February. The only thing that motivates me to show up is my momma. She's my everything and I need to finish school for her.

I dont really talk to anyone except for my little brother, guns. We call him guns because...well its a long story so disregard that. Its lunch time right now but I dont even feel like eating that trash. "Narcos, you cant stay on your phone in the halls every lunch period. You should go down and at least grab a fruit" my teacher Mel tells me. Under my breath with an attitude I say "you should stop sucking me the fuck". I go all the way to the cafe building to get that damn fruit Mel was talking about.

The line was as long as my- nevermind. Shit was boring though. Out of nowhere I start to here some little girl wheeze as if she's out of breath. I turn my head a bit to be nosey. There where three beautiful melanin girls wearing their senior shirts, so they had to have been in my class of 2019. The first girl was skinny with big pretty eyes. Any nigga would fall for those eyes. The second girl was short with a cute afro and she had a cakey butt. The third girl was breathtaking honestly. She seemed so mature but goofy.

Her lips weres plump with a dark red color in matte. She had long braids to her butt and her skin was glowing. Her nails were done and her smile was radiant. This thrid girl was something different man. I was so distracted that I didn't realize that the line was moving along. I got flustered and just walked away forgetting about the fruit. On my way out I hear the second girl say "the fuck is his problem?" With a laugh at the end. I turn around and roll my eyes. My eyes then land on miss number three, looking her up and down.

Jada pov-

"Bitch why he look at you like that?" Royalty says. "Yeah that was weird" Catherine laughs after. I cant believe Narcos fine ass just took the time out of his day to look at me. I've been plotting on that nigga since he came to the school sophomore year and I do plan on fucking. He's just so distant and doesnt talk to anyone except for that nappy head lil boy, guns. Like who the fuck names their son guns? The ghetto I swear. "Jada you know him?" Royalty ask me. "I know him but he don't know me" I respond while grabbing my salad.

After lunch I have that boring ass class in mr. Joe class. All we do is watch documentaries and take notes. Easy but boring. Narcos is in my class and sits in the back, but for some reason his fine ass decided to sit right next to me. My heart starts beating fast as ever and my uterus starts doing back flips. "You good?". I nod my head quickly and look down to write some notes. Narcos does a small laugh and says ok. I can feel him staring at me and its making me sweat. "Did you want something?" I snapped. He gives me that 'oh ok' look and writes his notes without giving me another look. Mr. Joe tells the seniors in the class that they can be dismissed when our classwork is done. Oddly Narcos and I finished at the same time.

I turn in my paper and quickly walk over to the library. It was empty and dark as usual. I take a seat in the far corner where there are two chairs and a table. A whole ninety minutes left for thrid block. Im bored out of my mind.

Narcos pov-

Damn her fine ass left quick and im gonna follow her. Not on no creep shit but..to see how she's doing. I walk in the library and I dont see anyone. "Why its so fucking dark?". After talking to myself out loud I can hear her gasp. I follow the sound and see her tryna hide behind her purse. Suppressing my laugh I ask "ayo shawty I scared you?". She shakes her head and fixes herself. She pulls her phone out completely ignoring me. She pissing me off for real like im just tryna know ya fucking name.

"So I can't get to know you? You being a bitch". She looks at me with a stank face and says, "first of all you never asked me and now you cant get to know shit since you wanna be an ass-- and were you following me?" That question caught me off gaurd. "Dont worry about it ight. My name is-"

"I already know. My name is Jada, nice to meet you" she holds her hand out for me to shake. "Well shi..." I shake her hand and lick my lips in the process. I peep her staring and I smirk at her which earns me a smile. I didn't realize I was talking out loud because she heard me say "that smile yo". Now she all blushing and shit and we still holding hands.

Im tired of keeping everything in to be honest. I dont know if I'll have another moment like this since this is my last year here. I sit next to her and try to have a normal conversation with her. We start talking about everthing from what classes we have to what goes on at home. She learned that im single with one body. She learned that I have so much love for my mother and the different things I like. She even found out why I call my brother guns, which had both of us rolling.

So apparently she got accepted to Clark University, along with a few other schools. She's smart as fuck and she told me she can cook. Most importantly, she's single and a virgin. We gotta do something before she leaves.

Jada pov-

After the bell rings Narcos lets me know for the second time that he's deeply sorry for calling me a bitch. Part of that could have came from me showing him my mace and taser. He seems really cool and family oriented. Before leaving he grabs my arm and ask for my number so we can talk more. We exchange numbers and go on about our day.

"Yerrr you missed weight training sis. Nina finally talked to that ugly nigga she thinks is so cute" Royalty tells me while walking the halls to our next class. "That dont even matter sis because guess who just talked to me?". Royalty scratches her head and farts "girl I dont know". I cover my nose and after calling her a nasty bitch I say, "Narcos nigga". She stops and screams loud as fuck. She then starts saying "yass bitch yass". We laugh and continue our walk. We walk past a group of hood boys and Royalty squeals "girl I'll talk to you later I gotta talk to Carl". I shake my head and say bye so I can go to class and finish the rest of my day. I'll just fill her in on everything through text.

The end of the day is here and now im outside in the cold wating for my uber. On the ride home I notice Narcos hasnt texted me at all. Is he wating for me to say something first? Did he dub me? Is his phone dead? This is some bullshit really. My uber stops in front of my home and I get out after saying thank you. "Jada!?" I look back and see Royalty. "What? How you get here sis?" I look at her like she's dumb. "Bitch I live here. Why are you here?". She tells me that she's going to Carls house to chill with him and his other hood rat friends. She tells me that I should come. "Well I guess since I have nothing else to do".

The walk to Carls house was short since he only lives some houses over. Lil baby was blasting throughout the house and the smell of weed was louder than the music. Royalty walks me over to a room in the back. As we get closer I can hear deep voices talking laughing. "You scared?"

"No..." She laughs at my face and opens the door revealing Carl, guns, two dark skin men, and Narcos. Loud yerrs are said and they all continue their conversation; all except Narcos. He motions for me to sit next to him. Royalty saw and nudged me over to him and sits on Carls lap. I notice that Narcos is higher than a damn kite. I get closer to him and he grabs both of my hands swinging them back and forth lightly while bitting his lip. He was fine indeed. He stands up to talk in my ear and say, "lets take this shit somewhere else". I can smell the henny on his breath.

To be continued.....😏

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