Chapter 2

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Gem's pov

I opened my eyes and saw blue. Am I dead? Is this death? I wondered. But I could feel and see. Wind blowing me and I was seeing infinite blue.

"Gem! Gem, oh my gosh!" Someone was calling me. Could I trust my voice to be loud enough?

"Who is it?" I coughed, my throat feeling scratchy.

"Gem, it's me, Gerald!!" My heart pounded as I gathered the strength to move. But the wind picked up again and I was tossed in the air.

"Gerald!" I screeched, frantically thrashing around in the wind. Something firmaly grasped my grassy torso and there he was.

"You're alive! Yo-you're alive." He sobbed. I held onto him as we tumbled through the sky and to a new adventure.

Mystery POV

Hello? I asked myself. Is anyone there?

Why would anyone save me? I'm alone. All alone. No more family. No more friends. All hope is lost. I have nothing. My will to gone.

All I see is the rippling water inching closer and closer to me. Soon I will be washed into the lake and down to the bottom where I will die.

"Goodbye world." I whispered to myself as the waves lapped even closer.

Hey I hoped you liked it even though its short! So yea thanks for reading, vote and comment who you think the mystery pov was!

Don't do drugs!

<3 Molly

That One Particular Blade of Grass on my Front LawnWhere stories live. Discover now