Saturday, January 24th

Magsimula sa umpisa

"I'm so glad, Ayano-chan," Budo leaned over and hugged her. "We're allowed to leave tomorrow," Budo yawned.

"You better go to sleep now," Ayano said getting up and climbing into the firm hospital bed. Budo spread across the couch and in a matter of seconds he was out.

Ayano stared up at the ceiling. I feel like I've known him all of my life. Ayano flinched and put her hand on her head. It still hurt. She took her pain medications and went to sleep.

Ayano woke up and looked around the sunlit room. She looked to the clock on the wall. 8am. She found Budo dressed in fresh clothes and scrolling through his phone. Fresh women's clothes were laid out at the foot of her bed.

"Good morning Budo-kun. Are these clothes for me?" Ayano asked. There was a red denim skirt with a fuzzy white sweater.

"Yeah, we got them from your house," Budo said looking up from his phone. Ayano pushed the covers aside, grabbed the clothes, and shuffled to the bathroom.

She stripped her clothes and looked at herself. This is the first time she'd seen herself since the accident. Although she recognized the herself, the image in the mirror still felt like a stranger.

She dressed herself in the outfit Budo chose and smiled. She quite liked how she looked. She swung the bathroom door open.

"Are you ready to go Ayano-chan?" Budo asked.

"Please. I'm sick of this hospital," Ayano laughed. The two made their way to the checkout desk. Easy enough, all they had to do was tell the secretary that they're leaving.

Ayano happily followed Budo through the parking lot as he walked towards his black Siakou car.

"Come on Ayano-chan, it's this way!" Budo called to Ayano. He unlocked his cat and swung open the door to the passenger seat. "M'lady," Budo said gesturing her to climb in the passenger seat.

"My, how chivalrous," Ayano giggled as she slowly got into the seat. Budo gently closed the door and got into the drivers seat.

They started driving home in comfortable silence.

"Budo-kun, do you live with your parents?" Ayano asked looking down.

"I do actually, but they're never around. They work really late," Budo said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Will you stay at my house with me? I know this might be a lot to ask, but I really wouldn't like to be alone. At least for now... And it doesn't have to be just you, Shima-chan and Mina-chan could take turns with you," Ayano said worriedly.

"Of course I will! You know I'd do anything for you." Budo said.

"Actually... I don't." Ayano looked out of the window.

"I'm sorry. Just know that I'll do anything for you Ayano-chan. Anyway, I was just about to offer if you wanted to stay at my house but I suppose it'll be good for you to see your own home. I'll call Mina-chan when we get to your house." Budo said putting his hand on Ayano's shoulder.

"Thank you..."

Soon they reached the home of Ayano Aishi. Budo gave her a sweet tour ending with Ayano's bedroom.

"And this is your room. I suppose I'll be staying in your parents room, so I'll put my stuff there while you look around and get familiar with the place." Budo hesitantly stepped out of the room.

Her room was boring and dull. She had a few anime posters. "Hmm... Life-Note." Ayano mumbled to herself.

She slowly explored her room. Her anime, manga, and video game stash were piled up next to her TV. She came across a shrine box in the center of her room. What is that?

She opened up the doors to the box. Her eyes widened.

A rotting apple, a bandaid, BOXERS!

This is disgusting!

Finally she saw a picture. A guy that looked boring and average in every way. He's not nearly as handsome as her Budo. She took the picture down and examined it more. She looked across her room. Her eyes stopped at a bulletin board. Tens of more pictures hung from the board.

"Budo-kun!" Ayano screamed, backing up in fear. Her foot caught on her rug and she fell on her back.

Budo bursted through the door. "What is it!" Budo yelled. "Oh my god Ayano-chan, what happened? Are you okay?" Budo said kneeling down to Ayano. Her face as white and she shakily pointed at the bulletin board. Budo looked at the many pictures of the boy. He could hear Ayano hyperventilating behind him, but he got closer to the pictures. Ayano took a deep breath and continued in her panic. He went back to Ayano. His muscular arms wrapped around her petite body.

"Ayano-chan, it's okay. You're having an anxiety attack. This is normal. You're okay," Budo whispered in her ear. These words calmed her and her short breaths became longer. Budo leaned back.

"Who is that?" Ayano said standing up.

"That is Taro Yamada."


Hi everyone!~

Did you like this part? If so let me know. I'd love to hear what you have to say or if you have any critiques. Thanks so much for reading!!

- Ella <3

Corruption (BudoxAyano)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon