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Lin's POV

I only got to see Scarlet and Seb on the weekends now. It killed me. Two years had gone by so quick... Divorce, death, everything was just really bad. Guess I had played my luck too soon...

I sat in my little office space, hearing Seb yelling at Scarlett. He was only four and she was seven. Things for them were a little tense. I wished they were younger and got along. They were so cute back then.

"Daddy!" Seb cried. I reluctantly got up, knowing that they were fighting over something so little.

"What's wrong?" I asked him when I got to their shared room.

"Scarlett won't let me color!" He frowned at me. I looked at Scarlett, she was sitting on her bed with her pencils out and homework.

"Seb, she isn't coloring. She's doing homework for school. You need to let her focus." I sighed. Children. "Scar how about you come do your homework in the kitchen? It'll be easier." I coaxed. She shrugged her shoulders and began to pick up her pencils. God every time I saw her she looked more and more like Pippa. It was a little frightening actually. Like a miniature version of her.

I started cooking a small dinner for the three of us while Scarlett did her homework. She kept brushing her hair out of her face, which made me wonder why Pippa hadn't cut her hair yet.

"Scarlett, why don't you pull your hair back?" I asked her.

"Because mommy isn't here." She muttered. Right. I never had hair ties... Pippa is the one to have them... And knows hair.

I felt terrible but it was the truth.

Pippa's POV

"Things are going to be fine Pippa." Jasmine frowned. "You just need to figure other things out first." She added.

"How am I going to? I can't perform... I just can't." I sighed.

"And why not?" Renee scoffed.

"I have no one to watch Scarlett. You two are off doing great things with your careers. I'm stuck being a mom that's struggling to pay bills at this point." I didn't know what to do. Yeah, I had royalties coming in from Hamilton and everything else I did, but it wasn't enough to keep up with New York bills...

"Pippa, things will work out. Besides, Lin isn't really doing much these days either. You can have him watch her!" Jasmine suggested.

"He lives an hour drive away because he refuses to ride the train." I pointed out. "I live closer to the theatres and able to get places. What am I going to do?" I groaned.

"Why not do classes? Teach them I mean." Renee suggested.

"Me teach?" I laughed at the idea. I was awkward enough when trying to potty train Scarlett.

"Yes you teach! You've taught Scarlett how to play the piano and her singing is already pretty good because of you!" Jasmine smiled.

"She does want to be on broadway when she's older..." I whispered.

"Look at that." Renee smiled. "A little legacy."

As the days went on, Scarlett had grown into a little routine. She would wake up, go to school, come home, eat a snack while changing into dance clothes, go to dance, come home, eat dinner, homework then bed. It was nice to see her when I could. Lin was lucky and got her all weekend, every other weekend.

"Mommy... I don't want to go to school today." Scarlett frowned while slumping down in the kitchen chair.

"Do you feel sick?" I asked her.

"I just don't want to go." She pouted.

"That means you can't dance today..." I told her. She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the floor. She hadn't missed any school, so I allowed it.

Her therapy was somewhat helping, she had been going for two years now. I just hoped in the long run she wouldn't be hurt from all of it.

We sat around all day watching cartoons and movies. My parents called, which in turn made Scarlet smile. Being able to talk to her Ah Ma made her feel better.

Of course, while she was on the phone with my mom, my doorbell sounded. I wasn't expecting any visitors though.. Weird. I got up and answered it, seeing the last people I suspected. My parents.

"Ah Ma!" Scarlett giggled while jumping off the couch. I watched as my mom hung the phone up and hugged her granddaughter.

"We brought your grandparents too Phillipa." My father smiled.

"No way." I smiled while looking to see them. Almost instantly their faces lit up at the sight of their great grandchild and I.

"She is very pretty." My nainai smiled, her English was still broken, but better now.

My family stayed for a while, all of us talking about various things. I was happy that Scarlett finally got to meet my grandparents. It was adorable how they talked with each other.

"You how old?" My nainai asked her.

"I'm seven!" Scarlett giggled.

"So old!" She laughed with her.

"Pippa, How are things?" My father asked.

"Tough. But I'm managing." I sighed. He gave me a sympathetic smile, letting me know that everything would work out in the end.

"為什麼這房子沒有裝修?" My yéyé asked.

"Well, because I kinda forgot." I chuckled.

"Hiyah." He laughed. "你怎麼能忘記新年呢?" he chuckled.

"I've had a lot on my plate to even begin decorating! I didn't even think we were going to celebrate together this year." I laughed.

"Don't worry." Nainai smiled. "We bring the envelope." She laughed while pulling out the small red envelope. She handed it to Scarlett, who gave a confused face in return.

"It has money in it." My father winked.

We never really celebrated lunar new year, but my grandparents did. Which was good in a way since it was a great distraction for Scarlett.

"Shall we head to Chinatown for the other traditions?" My mother smiled.

"Of course!" I gasped.

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