Section A: Amazoness

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A type of succubi that live deep in forests and establish peculiar villages. Originally they were just a tribe of only human women called "amazoness", but after the transition to the power of the current Demon Lord, they were invaded by succubi, and almost all of them were converted into the succubus family. They've come to be regarded as a kind of monster in the current era.

They are all raised to be warriors from childhood. They possess excellent physical abilities and are proficient in the arts of war. Since their society consists mainly of women, their views of gender roles are the opposite of those of humans, so women take up arms and fight as warriors, while men are regarded as frail, and responsible for watching over the house and young children. Their duty is also to heal women who return exhausted from hunting or battle by having sex with them and providing spirit energy. They periodically perform man hunts where they attack human settlements and capture men who strike their fancy, taking them back to the village as husbands. An amazoness who obtains a man this way becomes considered an "adult" regardless of her age and is treated as a full-fledged warrior.

Having peculiar values, they prefer to have sex in front of other people and especially in the cowgirl position where the woman is on top. By showing off how they ravish their husband, they boast their strength to other amazoness and assert ownership of that man. Also, it is said another purpose of this is to inspire amazoness who don't have a man and have not come of age yet, serving as role models. When a new married couple is formed, this is always accompanied by a celebratory feast and the wife will continuously ravish her husband right there all night long while surrounded by other amazoness

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