part 1

30 3 1

(Sorry for the spelling errors)
-hey so the start will be slow but when the story picks up I think it will be good but that's my opinion, so plz enjoy-

'The morning was unbearable' your mother used to say to you and your father before heading to work. But this time you knew they went coming home, you could smell a hunter or two near, you just looked out the window as your parents got slaughtered. After all you were five what were you supposed to do...

-years later-

you got up the sun shining, you ground and kicked bones from your parents past victims as you walked to the bathroom and growled at the mirror and slammed your hands on the cracked sink and went to get dressed.

As you walked to school you heard people saying two men from the FBI were questioning people at school about what has happened recently, you sighed just wanting to get the day over with, and as you walked into school you could already see Jessica was head over heals for one of the FBI agents but you could smell the stench of Hunter on them, Jessica then looked at you and said "oh hey there's the freak now" you kept walking and you flipped her off and yelled "Fuck off Jessica" she gasped, her and her gang walked up and said "excuse me, what did you just say to me" you rolled your eyes and said "Fuck off Jessica" you then walked into your class a prayed for lunch.

-at lunch-
You got (your food) and sat by yourself, at about half way into lunch the two "FBI" agents sat down in front of you you looked at them and said "piss off" they looked at you and said "ma'am we just want to ask you some questions" you sighed and pulled out a sheet of paper with information about everyone in the school and slipped it to them, they looked at the paper and the tall one said " ok ill cut the crap, my name is Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean" you sat up and smirked and said "my name is (y/n)"
Sam looked at you and said "how did you get all this information"
You smiled and let out a low laugh and said "blackmail"

a forbidden romance       (Crowley x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora