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Chris POV

"Hey man, whats going on?" Gordie asks as he entered the tree house we built as children.

I had told him to meet me here after school. I didn't need to talk to him about anything important, I just wanted to talk to him and to be around him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you for a bit. My dads been on a mean streak so I just needed to get away from that place." He nodded in understand meant while sitting on the couch in the tree house. He knew what I meant whenever I said anything about my dad, Gordie just understood.

I began to looked around at the tree house we once made one as kids with Teddy and Vern. The tree house it self didn't change much for looks. Gordie and I did clear it out for more space to do things. We both had gotten a lot older and it wasn't big enough for us, until we moved things out. But we did keep a few things like the couch Gordie was resting on.

"So what do you wanna do any ways? I mean it was your idea to come up here anyway." Gordie asked me making him self comfy.

When we were kids I would say that we should get Vern and Teddy, then go on an adventure. Yet that seemed like a century ago, even though it was just a few years ago. We haven't hung out with those two since we were 13, school kinda tore us apart. Gordie and I went to the smart classes while they stayed in the shop classes.

Goride and I tried to hang out with them and make things work but sadly it just never did.

But it was nice to see them still hang out with each other. Gordie and I would see them together all the time when ever we walked around town.

"Ummm, I don't know Gordie. There's nothing to do in Castle Rock, it's a really quiet and boring place." I replied to Gordie and kinda chuckled.

Gordie also chuckled at me in agreeance, "Yeah well your right there. So guess what's going around school? Everybody is talking about it, but I guess Annie Smith likes you."

"Yeah?", I say trying not to laugh,"Well I don't like her, she's kinda a whore honestly. She's the type of girl to drop her pants the first time we hang out, I don't want that.", laughing at what I told him.

Gordie laughed along, "Well then that's any easy screw, we're juniors in high school. Shouldn't we have lost our virginities by now?"

"Who says I still have mine, Lachance?" I replied back cocking my eye brow, completely ignoring the fact that we both believed Annie was a whore.

Gordie smirked back, "Well lets see, one your Chris Chambers, if you did it with anybody I would like to believe that I would be the first person you would tell. And two, you spend almost all day every day with me unless we are in class or you can't get away from your house. Now I know for a fact we have never screwed so, no you haven't lost yours Chambers."

I knew he was right because everything he said was true, I never left his fucking side. I don't know why though, and I don't think I will never know why. I just felt good to be with him and around him, "Fine, your right. But only this one time Gordo!"

Gordie rolled his eyes, "Sure, what ever you say Chris."

"Yeah, whatever I say." This comment made us burst out laughing. We didn't know why but it did, but maybe that's what made it so funny.

Once we were both calmed down from laughing at absolutely nothing I asked Gordie something to keep conversation going, "So have you herd about the new game that's going on around school?"

"I've only herd a few things around school about it, but I don't really know what it is. Do you know?" Gordie asked me looking totally lost.

I smiled at his cluelessness, "Yeah I know dip shit. The game is called The Sex Game, but I just say the game because The Sex Game just seems to official for my liking."

"Well thats an interesting name, how do you play the game? And how many people do you have to play it with?" Gordie asked trying to learn about this new game Chris introduced him to.

"There's only three rules to the game, Rule 1 You have to be available to the other player unless it's an emergency. Like someone died, or something important like that. You can't just avoid the other played because your not up to it. Rule 2 You can't play this game or do anything with anybody else during the game. That means you can't have a girlfriend when you play this game. Now finally rule 3. This is the most important rule of the game, you have to try not to fall in Love with the other player. If you do fall in love the game is over and you owe the other player 100$." I explained to Gordie hoping he would get the point.

"So how do you play? You act like your dating someone and who ever falls in love first looses?" Gordie asked pretty much missing the whole point in the game.

"My innocent friends, no the point is to have sex with someone during this time and who ever falls in love first looses." I explained to him, hopefully getting the point across.

The change in his eyes kinda show me he caught on, "Ohhh, so why don't we play the game?"

"I don't wanna screw a girl from Castle Rock, knowing my luck I would get her pregnant and end up being stuck to this town forever." I explained to him while grabbing a cigarette from one of our stashes in the tree house.

"Then why not play with a guy?" Gordie asked, for a second I couldn't tell if he was messing around or being serious. But then he started to laugh so I figured he was just messin with me.

I was about to reply to his comment, but I stopped and thought to have a little fun with it,"I mean honestly Gordie," I stopped my sentence, threw my cigarette out the window and moved closer to him. "I mean I could play with a boy but", I pushed him so he was on his back and I began to crawl on top of him, "The only boy I wanna play with is you." I replied to him in a lust full voice.

I was holding him down pretty hard, with my hands drilling in to his hips. I knew he would have a bruises from how hard I was holding him but I didn't care right now. Right now I was looking at him and I seemed to be lost. At first I was just trying to fuck with Gordie, but now I kinda just wanted to fuck him.

"C-Chris I'm um I'm not G-ggay." Gordie tried to get out but something told me it was just from shock, I think he enjoyed this as much as I did.

I looked him dead in the eyes and said the the most husky and lust fueled voice, "I'm not either." Then I did the only thing that had seemed natural and kissed him.

The kiss was rough, and Gordies lips weren't soft like a girls. They were hard, chapped and rough. I really enjoyed this, it was way better then any girl I have ever kissed. The kiss wasn't easy or gentle and soft like one you would have with a girl, but I liked this better. I liked Gordie better, but Gordie was a guy. I don't like guys.

It didn't take Gordie long to respond back with his lips. He wrapped his arms around my neck and grabbed fists full of my hair. Gordie was pulling on it, almost like he was gonna rip it off of my head.

I knew I didn't like Gordie, this was sexual tension. Hormones, I liked girls. Gordie was here and Gordie couldn't get pregnant. This was nothing more.

I clenched my fist on his hips even tighter, not caring if it hurt him because Gordie would be fine.

Gordie didn't go through shit at home like me, he was fine. He could take some pain, this was nothing compared to what my dad does to me.

After a few more minutes of this I pulled away from him. Both of us catching our breath, but our faces were so close we were practically breathing on each other faces.

I looked down at Gordie, knowing I would regret this but at the moment I needed something and this was is. So I asked him, "Do you wanna play the game with me?"

Gordie looked at me almost like he was about to regret his next words, "Yes."

Hope you all enjoy!! ❤️

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