The Address

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It has been a few days since Heather's death. I sit on the couch in mourning watching YouTube. I sit up and take the business card out of my pocket.

Burro Investigating Tiny China Hoes
611 Union St, Dardnelle Arkansas

I turn the card over to see if I missed some information. I cringe as a blot of Heather's blood is caked on the corner. No other information or any thing is on the card.
I decide to go to the address but I'm to scared to go alone. I call Jessie.

Jessica: "Hello?"

Sean: "Uh, You Remember the business card that I got off of Brianna a few nights ago?"

Jessica: "Yeah, Why?"

Sean: "I'm about to head over there, you wanna go with me? I don't want to go alone."

Jessica: "What Address?"

Sean: "611 Union St. Dardnelle."

Jessica: "Sure, come pick me up."

I than slip my phone in my pocket. I also pack a pocket knife just in case.
I arrive at Jessica's fifteen minutes later. I walk up and ring the doorbell. The door is opened and behind the door is Jessica in what seems to be her dads tuxedo.

Sean: "What's with the get up?"

Jessica: "I felt like wearing a suit. Something wrong with that?"

Sean: "No but its like two sizes too big. Look at that, its like you have two pairs of shoulders."

I say this as I point to the sharp shoulders of the plain tuxedo.

Jessica: "Whatever, let's get going."

We walk to the car. She moves trash from the seat before she gets in the car and sits down. I sit down and start the engine.
We drive a little while before I say something.

Sean: "Ay Yo Jessie, Can you type the address into your phone and see where were going?"

Jessica: "Sure."

She pulls out her phone and opens Google. I hand her the card and she types it in to the search bar.
"611 Union St, Dardnelle AR"

Jessica: "Wow."

Sean: "What? Where are we going?"

Jessica: "Looks like were going to McDonald's."

Sean: "What! No way."

Jessica: "Check It."

She said this as she shoved her phone in my face.

"611 Union St,
Dardnelle, AR 72834

At this address

Sean: "Alright, Guess Were Going To McDonalds."

We pull up to the location. As we exit the car, I start to wonder if B.I.T.C.H. has a different meaning.

Sean: "What If B.I.T.C.H. Doesn't mean Burro Investigating Tiny China Hoes? Maybe its like a list of items that we need to order."

Jessica: "I Don't Know, Its Up To You."

We enter the building. We wait for a family of five to order before we do. Once there done, Jessica and I walk up to the counter.

Casher: "Welcome to McDonald's, My name is Ava And what can I get for you today?

I think of menu items that would spell out B.I.T.C.H.

Sean: "Yes, I would like a Burger, Iced Tea, Cheeseburger, and a Hot Dog"

Ava: "Is That All For You Today?"

Sean: "Yep."

Ava: "Your Total Is $14.57. And is this here or to go?"

Sean: "Here."

Ava: "Okay, Your Number Is On The Receipt."

I pay and receive my receipt. My number is 669. Ava also handed me a cup for my Iced Tea. I fill it up and lean against a wall besides Jessie.

Random McDonalds Worker: "669!"

I pick up my tray. Jessie and I pick a booth by the trash can and window.

Sean: "Well that's weird."

I say picking up the second receipt.

Jessica: "What?"

Sean: "There is a second receipt. And there's something wrote on it."

I look at the rushed hand writing on the back of the receipt.

It Read: "Press Both Hand Dryers in The Boys Bathroom Mr.Rogers."

I hand it over to Jessie.

Jessica: "I Guess We Are Going To The Bathroom."

I than stood up and started walking towards the bathroom, Jessica followed behind me.
I open the door and walk to the hand dryers. I make sure to see if anyone else is in the bathroom before pressing down on the two dryer buttons. Steam rises from the area below the dryers as the tiles began to shift. Once the tiles have stopped moving and the steam has cleared, two ladders become visible. They don't go down far but go down far enough that if you were to not use the ladders, your shins would break. I look at Jessie stunned for a moment.

Jessica: "Go on, ladies first."

I began the descent down the ladder, Jessica following a couple steps behind. My feet touch the steel ground before Jessie's. I turn around and am shocked at what I see. Hundreds and thousands of rows of children making clothing and jewelry and packing what seems to be weed and cocaine into Lego Boxes And Gum packages. A man in a lab coat walks up to me with a clip board. His name tag reads Steve.

Steve: "What's you number agent?"

Sean: "What number?"


Steve looks up at me and backs away quickly. He takes out a radio.

Steve: "Agent 23 here and we have a problem at the front gate. Agent 12 seems to have brought a non agent down here. I need back up now!"

Jessica: "Sean, I'm Sorry."

I turn around and see Jessica's arm raised with a gun in her hand. She slams the handle of the gun to the side of my face. I fall unconscious.

-Sean Rogers

The Sean Chronicles: RequiemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz