"I want to go to the zoo!" Elizabeth screamed, which seemed to ring throughout the room, proving just how loud she screamed. However, as she screamed, she raised her arms up, which caused her towel to fall down. William looked away, of course, and Lea gave her a look which made her put her towel back on.

"You just got out of the shower, what suddenly reminded you about the zoo?" William stated, almost sarcastically.

"I just remembered about all of the fun animals that they had! I really want to go and see the donkeys!" Elizabeth replied, still fussing with her towel to fix it. Lea was kind of laughing about the whole thing, though. She seemed to find it quite funny, as she had started laughing.

"What's wrong mommy?" Lea's laughter died down quite a bit, which was followed by her shaking her head. Elizabeth didn't question her mother, but instead dropped her towel, and ran out the back door, naked. Lea sighed, but didn't go to chase her. That was only because the backyard was fenced in, so the neighbors wouldn't be able to see the little girl running around naked in the snow, which had previously fallen.

- - - 

By afternoon time, Elizabeth hadn't forgotten about the whole zoo thing, much to William's disappointment. He hated going to public places with a bunch of screaming children, especially a dirty, flea infested zoo. To make matters worse, everyone in the house knew this, but the ignored it, and continued to drag him out. 

Everyone who wanted to eat had eaten, and was either relaxing in the living room or they were somewhere napping. The temperature had risen enough to where it could be considered a spring day, so Elizabeth kept pestering everyone about going to the zoo, even her brothers, who had no control if they went or not.

"I want to go to the zoo! Please!" Elizabeth begged, basically rolling around on the floor, which could even be comparable to a temper tantrum. 

Eventually, Lea got up, pretty giving in the Elizabeth's reckless behavior, but not without a long, drawn out sigh. Usually, William would be lecturing her about how she shouldn't give into this kind of behavior, but he wasn't there at the moment, due to something that had come up at work. So, why not just give Elizabeth what she wants?

"Okay, go get dressed and put your shoes on. If you're not down here by the time I come down, then we aren't going." As soon as the last word left her mouth, Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen. Before Lea could even get up to change, Elizabeth was already sprinting down the stairs, bot without almost falling a few times. Lea took longer to get ready on purpose. She thought it was humorous how Elizabeth got all antsy and impatient.

When Lea had finally made it downstairs, Elizabeth was pretty much out the door. She grabbed her keys and followed her daughter outside of the house. She was pretty nervous to drive, as she always refused when William suggested she drive for once. But since he bought her a new car, she had to start driving more, to not be rude, and to not feel like she had made him waste money. Not that it mattered.

The ride to the zoo was chaotic, to say the least. Elizabeth was bouncing up and down in her seat, sticking her hands outside the windows, and kicking the back of Lea's seat. Until now did she understand how frustrating it was to drive with a hyper, young child in the back seat. Not to mention her loud, obnoxious screeches she let out all to often. Lea was minutes away from snapping at her. 

But before she knew it, they were close to the zoo, which, she figured out by the ear piercingly loud scream that Elizabeth had let out. Lea glanced at one of the road signs, which helped her figure out which exit she had to take to get on the right road. It wasn't like she didn't know where to go, because she had accompanied Elizabeth to the zoo many times before, it was just that she didn't want to get off at the wrong place. 

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