An Auslly Story

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Trish- *walks into sonic boom* Hey Ally!

Ally- Hey Trish

Trish- so are you ready for school?

Ally- yeh let me just get my coat *grabs coat* ok lets go!

**at school (marino high school) **

Austin- *sat at the back of the classroom kissing bella*

Bella- *kisses austin*

Trish- *walks in the room with ally* just ignore them ally!

Ally- i would but your not the one who has to sit by him!

Trish- well good luck with Austin * walks to her seat *

Austin- i love you bella *kisses bella*

Bella- *i love you to! *kisses back*

Ally- *walks to her seat next to Austin* excuse me can you not make out when your around me!

Austin- shut up dawson just coz ypu cant get anyone to love you doesnt mean you have to take it out on us. gosh i bet even your family hates you! *goes back to kissing bella*

Ally-Allys pov- *runs out crying* hi, im ally dawson and im 16 years old. you know all the stuff that jerk face austin just said; yeh well, it was true. i dont have anyone who loves me! no guy will ever date me, my mum died when i was four, my dad abuses me saying it was all my fault and then my sister vanessa who will be 21 turning 22 at the moment left 6 years ago when she turned 16.i get bulled by Austin and Bella and sometimes its not just mentally but physically to. anyways i have to get back to class before the teacher gets back. few just in time well bye.

Austin-Austins pov- hey, im austin moon and im 16 years old.i have an amazing girlfriend named Bella and an awesome life! i have 3 brothers and 1 sister. my oldest brother who is currently 22 years old is named andrew, my sister who is my second oldest sibling is named amelia and is currently 20 turning 21, my second older brother andy who is 19, then my younger brother who is 16 turning 17 is alasdaire. i bully this girl named ally dawson who is currently sitting next to me with tears in her eyes. all i said was no one loved her including her family and its proberly not true so why the hell is the crying! well the teach is here so got to go bye!

Miss Cooper (music teacher)- hello class, im going to give you signed partners so you can do and assignment. first ill give you the partners then ill explain. ok so the partners are trish and dez, hannah and glory, roxy and ella, austin and ally, then handryx harley and imagin (immy) will be a group of three. ok the the assignment is that you have to wroght a song and perform it infront of the class. it is due in in two months and will be work half your grade. now get on!

Ally-Allys pow- NOOOOOO! I'M PAIRED UP WITH JERK FACE AUSTIN! he has made my life miserable enough and now he gets to ruin it even more by teasing me about my horrible singing! i used to sing with my sister and my mum and they both thought i was amazing. but i gave it up when vanessa left since my mum died and i had no one else who believed in me. oh and another thing i have stage froght so this isnt going to go down well. im starting to worry, well got to go bye!.

Austin-Austins pov- great im paired up with the freak! well im an amazing singer so im ganna get an A. her on the other hand, i bet she stinks meaning my grade will get lowered. erg; well bet get back to the freak and oh my god! she still has tears in her eyes. ppfffttt moron! anyways see ya!

Ally- *sat staring at her hands fidling with her fingers*

Austin- ok so i really need an A on this so where do you wanna work on the project?

Ally- h-h-how a-about you h-house?

Austin- k meet me outsinde the gates at the end of the day *gets up and walks out*.

Ally- *runs out crying*

**end of the school day**

Ally- *walks outside the school getes.

Austin-*kisses bella* bye babe *turns to ally* ets go freak*

Ally-Allys pov- *follows with her head down* well im about to go to my bullies house. and im pretty sure when i get home tonight my dads ganna give me a real bad beating for being late. i think ill just keep as quite as possible for the night and keep my head down. well ill talk to ya laterz bye!

end of the chapter. im sorry if you didnt like it as im kinda new to the whole writing thing but i promise theyll get better. well see you in the next chapeter bye!

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