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While me , hiro and zero two walk back to the house I carnt help but ask one simple question.
"Hiro who was that boy?" I asked a little anxious
Hiro turned to look in my direction " that was zorome " he paused "he is the umm how do I put this rowdy one around here " he said while skraching his neck
"Oh ok" was all I could reply
"Well here we are come on let's get you started" chirped zero two
We walk in to this huge argument going on between the red head (or ginger I'm just going to say red ok....ok) and the boy I was told was zorome.
"For the last time zorome you are the rudest persons I ever met " the red head Yells.
"Yeah well you are the one who keeps getting in my hair and on my nerves" zorome shot back.
I slowly walk up to them and ask nicely "Uhh can you two please stop your giving me a head ach" I said while holding my head.
The red head looked in my direction then back at zorome " well if it wasn't for this doosh bag you would not have ran off" she said crossing her arms
"No it wants!"zorome snapped
The argument continued until I started feeling light headed " uh g-guys I feel-" I couldn't finish because everything was black and I landed on the floor breathing heavily.

Zorome's pov

I was just arguing with miku and all of a sudden I herd a huge band on the floor next to me.
"W-what was th-" before I could even finish everyone was scraming 023 , so I slowly tern around to see her on the ground unconchus.
"023 ARE YOU OK" ichigo Yells kneeling right next to her "someone call nana stat!" Ichigo ordered while picking 023 with the help of Goro.
I was watching helplessly as 023 was carried away by ichigo and goro.
What is this feeling......my heart is aching when I saw 023 like that I felt helpless.

Zorome x reader (darling in the franxx)Where stories live. Discover now