Midnight, Let Your Freak Flag Fly

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Season 1 Episode 2

Manny walked into the RV and took one of his pills I shook my head

"You really need to stop that shit" I said and grabbed the flask from his hand taking a long swig.

"Look who's talking sis" I made a face at him saying fuck off basically.

"Long night?" Grandma asked from the back room.

"Go to midnight, nice small town out in the middle of nowhere, nice folk lay low make money." He took another swig.

"So that's a yes" she said.

"That house is infested grandma!" I yelled "and with whatever is under the floor growling." I paced the Rv while Manny sat on the couch. Manfred phone buzzed.

"High Tower has been calling all night." Grandma stated the obvious.

"Remember what you used to say" Manny started "When the going gets tough.."

"We live in a house on wheels" we all finished with a chuckle.

"That was before I died kids, you don't have me anymore, you need more than yourselves you need family, a place to call home a town to call home you need people."

"This is more than I was ready for" Manfred said.

"Trust me Manny I know, you know all the emotion in this town, I feel like my head is going to explode I've never felt like this." I said with almost tears in my eyes.

"I know guys but it will be worth it, Midnighter's protect each other." Grandma said

"Sure.." Manny sighed

"You just saw it with your own eyes out there." Grandma interrupted.

"I can't handle going back in there." Manfred said

"We have to Manny." Starting to understand grandma's point.

"You don't have to pretend to be normal," Grandma said "Let your freak flag fly, tell them what's up." I grabbed Manny's hand and dragged him out of the RV into the pawn shop ignoring all the voices and pain as I walked back.

"We need help" I stated walking into the pawnshop seeing Fiji, Olivia, Lem, Joe and the Rev.

"That's an understatement" Olivia

"Watch it." I growled "I'm not in the mood right now and I can feel that you aren't either"

"How-" Lem started.

"Don't ask Lem" I cut him off, they don't need to know all of me. Not yet.

"Look our house if full of ghosts and evil crap" Manfred said.

"Crap?" Fiji questioned "What kinds of crap"

"Some kind of demon entity, poltergeist," I said looking at them.

"That should be taken care of" Lem said.

"What makes you think its demonic." Joe asked

"The growling under the floor," I said to him "I can feel the evil."

"Are you sure you're not trying to weasel your way out of helping?" olivia asked looking from Manfred to me.

"We can't get answers from Aubrey with all the chaos at home" I said getting more annoyed "We need backup."

"The sun will be up shortly, I'm out" Lem said

"Whatever you need I know my way around haunts" Fiji said feeling uncertain.

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