Somewhere Along The Adventure

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Everyone crowded in to hear what Klaus had to say. Elijah and Elena walked back in a deafening silence, "you all should listen very carefully, Klaus said, "This place is really ancient and dangerous and if we want to get that stone and still survive, we need to be able work together and cooperate",

Klaus said whilst everyone else nodded, he looked at Bonnie and said, "Bennet witch I think you should start the locator spell",

Bonnie glared at Klaus angrily and said, "woah chill, it's not going to be that easy this place is legit like 2,000 years old and if I were going to perform a spell I need a lot of power so", Klaus listened closely, " I need to Chanel you and Elijah because you two are the most powerful beings and that is what I need for this spell to work", Bonnie said almost sounding like she was demanding them.

Klaus didn't take this well mainly because he didn't like to be told what to do, he sighed whilst looking at Elijah and said, "I'll do whatever it takes to bring my family together even if I were to kill for", Klaus said sounding emotional.

Caroline rolled her eyes, "let's just start the bloody spell", Klaus said with a slight bit of annoyance.

Bonnie indicated Matt to give her the bowl of candles and salt, "okay in order to make this work I need you to step here and Elijah I need you to stand next to Klaus", Bonnie said sounding like a teacher whilst lighting the candles up.

They both did as they were told and everyone stepped away, "this might hurt a bit", Bonnie said with a smirk.

Klaus smirked back and said, "well come on then, give it your best shot", Elijah rolled his eyes as well as everyone else around them.

Bonnie took a few deep breaths and then started chanting words neither Klaus nor Elijah understood, they both stood their looking at her for a while until the pain started to kick in.

Klaus and Elijah both fell to their knees and screamed in pain, everyone around was slightly scared as they were not expecting it to be this painful, "Bonnie", Alaric said as he nudged her, "are you sure your doing it right", he said looking at the two originals who were screaming in pain.

Bonnie stopped the spell and looked at everyone else, "all done, that wasn't so hard was it", she said as she smirked at Klaus's angry face.

Klaus and Elijah stood up and slowly walked over to the Bennet witch, "have you found the precise whereabouts of the stone", Elijah said eagerly, the Bennet witch looked at the floor and continued, "yes I do", she said not ready for their reactions.

Elena went up to her friend and asked , "where is it Bonnie", Bonnie looked beneath her and pointed out, "it's hidden deep down beneath the earth", Elena gasped and looked at Elijah seeing he was doing the same thing.

Klaus didn't believe her and spat out in anger, "you didn't do the spell right you useless witch", Klaus said with anger.

Caroline stepped in defending her friend and pissed of, "calm the hell down Klaus, she came here to help you she can just as easily go back", Caroline said crossing her arms.

Klaus apologised to Bonnie and then looked at everyone else, "well what are you all waiting for we better get digging then", he said whilst starting to dig with his bare hands super quickly.

Vincent stepped in and said, "I think there's a quicker way, instead of digging this whole entire place down, Me and this powerful Bennet witch can make a small portal just for one person to go in and come back in a hour limit", he said looking between Klaus and Elijah.

Elijah and Klaus discussed for a few minutes and then Elijah said, "I'll go", everyone gasped especially Elena. She stepped toward him and said, "but you can get lost their Elijah", she wasn't ready to loose him yet but Elijah reassured her that he was going to be safe and said, "I'm the only one that knows how it looks like and as soon as I find it I will come out", he said looking at Klaus and Elena.

"Start the spell Vincent we haven't got long", Klaus said impatiently, Vincent and Bonnie held hands and he said, "repeat what I say", he said to Bonnie, she nodded in agreement and they both chanted.

The portal slowly opened and Elijah nodded at Elena and vamp sped in to it. Elena began to feel more worried as her stomach had this bad feeling.

Rousseaus :
Hayley walked into the bar and sat on the front chairs. She took a few shots until she was completely drunk, she looked around her and the bar seemed pretty empty until this good looking guy came in and sat next to her.

He chuckled as he saw her staring at him, "hey", he said giving his hand out so she could shake it, she looked at him narrowing her eyes and then shook his hand, "the names Declan", he said looking at her drunk state.

She smiled and took a few more shots, "my names Hayley", she said in a drunk state. He looked at her and realised how drunk she was, " I can drop you off if you would like to", he said, "you don't look so good", and before he could finish what he was saying Hayley kissed him and it all escalated very quickly to his apartment and them stripping off their clothes.

Amernasiya inside the portal:
Elijah walked into this place quickly looking around everywhere but there was no sight of the stone. He tried to steady his mind so he could think, he searched the dusty place again multiple times, it was like an endless maze until he finally spotted a blue object shinning at him.

He took it in his safe and secure hands and put it inside his suits inside pockets and sped of. But he didn't get far because he wasn't able to find his way back across this maze.

Meanwhile Elena and Klaus waited impatiently as there was only 5 more minutes remaining until the portal shut down for good, Elena was restless as well as Klaus, they didn't want to loose him but their hopes were crushed as they heard the portal slowly shut down.

It was half way shut until Elijah vamp sped out puffing and fell on the floor, Elena and Klaus ran to him and Klaus took his brother in his arms and shouted Elijah's name out but there was no response.

What's going to happen to Elijah, did Hayley actually cheat on him. Find everything out in the next chapter.

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