I sighed before sitting down on my bed

"Have you ever thought about what it will be like settling down with someone."

Dereks expression remains serious 

"Realizing that you may have found the person you're supposed to be with for the rest of your life"

"Not really" He replies "Well sort of, but not seriously"

"I know i've only been with Chelsea for a couple months, and that's why it scares me to think about this. I shouldn't be feeling this already. I've never thought about this at all before I met her"

"Louis, I think that when you know, you know. Time isn't a factor in this"

I began biting the inside of my lip

"Have you talked to Chels about this?"

I shook my head "I'm worried it might scare her away."

"I think you better talk to her"

I nodded, deciding that now was as good a time as ever.

I made my way down the stairs to her floor. I quickly knocked before i changed my mind

Chelsea's cheerful face appeared at the door 

"Hey Lou" She smiled

I caught glimpse of Anne and Monica in her room

"Why is he so hot, My gosh. I literally can't right now" Monica squealed at the screen as she held her chest

I raised an eyebrow 

"Ryan Gosling" Chelsea replies simply

I realized we weren't going to be able to have this conversation in her room

"Could I talk to you out here for a minute?"

"Oh, sure" she said "I'll be back in a minute" she told the two girls admiring the TV

They stuck their thumbs up in  response, keeping their eyes glued forward

She stepped outside of her room to join me. I sat down against the wall, motioning her to join me on the carpeted floor.

She sat down in front of me.

"I was talking to Derek a few minutes ago and there's something I need to talk to you about"

Chelsea's face dropped "You're breaking up with me, aren't you" her eyes began to fill with hurt

"No, no, no" I shook my head repeatedly as a smile spread across my face. I grabbed her soft hand, gripping it tightly "The reason I wanted to talk to you, is that i've been thinking about the future. About us" I searched her eyes, seeing if she knew where I was going with this "I've been thinking about what it would be like to settle down with somebody"

Chelsea cocked her head slightly

"I haven't ever thought about that kind of stuff until I met you, Chels"

A warm smile grew on her face as her cheeks turned the lightest shade of red

"I was scared to tell you this because I didn't want you to think I was crazy"

Chelsea's eyes locked onto mine as she stayed still. Not saying a word

She then broke into a smile again "I love you" she uttered quickly

My heart lifted a thousand heights at that moment it seemed. My smile grew as I pulled her into a tight embrace. I let my face nuzzle into her hair

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that" I kiss her tender lips as I pull away, taking both of her hands in mine now "Come to London with me. Meet my parents"

"W-what?" Chelsea's eyes grew large "When?"

"derek and Monica can't do anything with their tickets, so Derek wants me to take them. He payed for them and he insists"

"This is happening really fast" Chelsea says. 

Her expression worries me

"Chels. We both love each other, what are we waiting for? It's not like we are running away to go get eloped or anything" I smirk

The smile returned to her face "Yeah, you're right. Besides, going to England would be fun. Ok" She nodded "I'm in"

"Good" I grinned, kissing her forehead

"When is this trip going to be?" she asked

"In a couple of weeks, i believe"

"So it won't be during a break?" Chelsea asks, the hesitation now returning to her voice

I pushed a piece of her stray hair behind her ear

"No, it will be during school" I chuckled "But it is only a four day trip. We will only miss a couple days of school"

Chelsea looked down, obviously contemplating my offer

"Besides, we can bring flashcards and we can quiz each other on the plane" I joked, pushing her playfully

"Ok, you've convinced me" She smirked "Would you like to come watch Ryan gosling run around shirtless with us?" She asked, the grin still playfully spread across her face

"I think I'll pass on that one." I stood up, helping Chelsea to her feet "Just remember. I look better shirtles than he does" I pointed to her, giving her a playful look

"Of course you do" 

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