sick day

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charlie dalton

He will lay in bed with you, mostly because he doesn't really know what else to do. He offers to take you to the school nurse office, but you decline. While you were resting, he went to the hallway and called his mom and asked what he should do. When you awake from your nap, Charlie is pouring a can of Campbell's soup into a bowl.

knox overstreet

Knox is one of those people that has an innate motivation to nurture, so you know what getting sick under his watch wouldn't be so bad. He makes Meeks go to the market with a list of a few things and a ten dollar bill. He comes back with medicines and soup. Knox spends a lot of his time checking up on you and making sure you have all that you need.

neil perry

Neil is hyper-aware of his body, so when you fall ill, he believes that he has as well. Most of the time, you two spend in bed, finding entertainment in each other. You fall asleep and he steals a carpenter's pencil from Todd's desk and attempts to draw you while sleeping. He does a pretty good job, for which you reward him with a kiss.

todd anderson

He sets up a chair by your bed so he can work on his school work and still be there if you need anything. On one particular night, he ends up falling asleep in the chair. You wake him up and pull him into your bed with you. He accepts but asks you a thousand times if it is okay.

gerard pitts

He always seems to be ready for these types of things. He comes up to the dorms to see you between classes and brings your schoolwork as well as food from the kitchen. When he has free moments, he lays with you and always seems to be putting another blanket on you and tucking it under your chin.

steven meeks

When you get sick, you get pretty helpless. You take up residence in Meeks' bed, where he switches between laying in bed with you and sitting in the chair at your side. One night, he reads his English assigned reading to you and you fell in love with him and his words. It became a habit, even when you weren't sick.

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