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"Remember, Hermione, dear. In a few minutes, you will officially be having your first day of kindergarten. But there is something you have to remember to the letter."

"Don't worry mum, I have a great phut-a-grac memory." Hastened the small child as she shrugged on a bright pink knapsack.

"Pho-toe-graf-ik. And this is something i'm going to tell you verbally, so it's not photographic memory you'll be using."

"Oh yeah, my bad." And the tiny Hermione repeated the syllables slowly.

"Anyhow, say this after me- 'Primum non Nocere' ."

"Primum no nosee. And what does that mean?"

Mrs. Granger resolved that each day she would tell her child the saying, her brilliant girl would catch on the correct pronunciation. "It is Latin for 'above all, do no harm'. A fundamental medical precept of Hippocrates. So, darling, please tell me I won't hear you hitting your classmates in the nose from the principal. That would be very naughty and your father and I would be very disappointed. Even if they try to provoke you, always tell the teacher and do not act irrationally. Because aren't you far more mature than your age?"

"Yes, absolutely, mum. Don't worry; I won't forget."

"Okay, honey. Off to school, now, and be the best."

Hermione Granger had a fun first day of school, and all throughout it, she said the saying in her head.

Her mother would definitely be mad if she knew the mantra would not stick with her entirely and forever.


"We have found a horcrux already!"

"Yeah, and we're about as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of 'em, aren't we?"

Harry Potter was about to lash out at the redhead right then and there and they would have fought it out like rabid hyenas. She scrambled before Ron.

"Ron,"  Hermione pleaded, anguished. Her riotous hair bit up everywhere after months of lower maintenance. "Ron, take off the horcrux- you wouldn't be saying this if-"

She was left ignored. "Do you know why I listen to that radio every night? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name," he was becoming frantic and short of breath, "or Fred's or George's, or mum's-

"And I'm not listening either, is that what you're getting at?" Harry gawked. "You think I don't know how this feels?"

"No, you don't know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!"

In that event, after the two coalesced rapidly and inconsistently- she remembered a chemistry documentary her parents had showed her when she was nine- Ron suddenly wasn't there anymore.

She called his name, once, twice, thirteen times; couldn't count- at her voice's loudest. She called it around the tent and around the grounds and around the dark woods. It was for naught.


Lord Voldemort overwhelms Britain;
Lord Voldemort, esteemed dark wizard, has gained full control of Britain and the Ministry of Magic-

It's a small, ripped page from an outdated article of The Quibbler. It's soiled and dirty but it still has the same overall effect of Hermione and Harry. They are angered beyond name, but they are not has hopeful as they used to be.


Weasley Blood Traitors Executed for Demonstration.
The Weasleys of the formerly untainted sacred twenty-eight executed yesterday morning as demonstration to all tempted to soil their pure blood. Molly Weasley (née Prewett), Arthur Weasley,  their children William Arthur, Charles, Percy Ignatius, Fred, George, Ronald Bilius, and Ginevra Molly, were prosecuted and executed privately by death eate-

"He's gone," Hermione managed to choke out.

"Yeah," Harry said hallowly. "He really is."

Primum non Nocere (Tomione)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum