The Man Behind the Camera

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Park Jinyoung was unsure when he started taking notice of the man with brown hair with his camera. Perhaps it was the day when Jinyoung finally noticed the said man had gone to every single fan sign events that his group had held. Or was it that time when Bambam, one of his group member, pointed out the brown hair male with his big expensive camera was a fan of Jinyoung? He wasn't sure, but one thing he was sure of was his growing curiosity of the man behind his camera.

Because unfortunately he never got a glimpsed of the man. So he doesn't know what he looks like and the guy never goes up to the members to get his album signed or shake hands and interact with them. But it was just him who never saw his face, every time Jinyoung looks towards the man he would have his gigantic camera on his face taking pictures. When he's not looking, busy signing albums and interacting with their fans the man would still be taking pictures but sometimes he does puts it down only for Jinyoung to miss.

When Jinyoung had asked his members if they ever saw his face they all answered with a 'yes'. His members told him that he looks 'handsome', 'he has a small head like a q-tip', 'he has a cute smile', 'I don't think he's a talker', or 'He's so shy! I once saw our fan call him handsome and he blushed!' it drives him crazy. Quite frankly Jinyoung wasn't that artistic so trying to put together a face for the man was impossible. All he could do was wait until that day where he finally catches a glimpse of the man without his camera.

It was another busy day since his group, Got6, had recently returned with a new mini album. They had just finished one of their music broadcast and was getting ready to attend their many fan sign events. Kim Yugyeom, the youngest of the six-member boy group was busy tapping on his phone playing a game. Jinyoung, the third oldest of the group who tends to try to keep everything running smoothly clicks his tongue. Trying to usher Yugyeom to start walking out of the dressing room as he calls for Choi Youngjae, the fourth oldest or third youngest to start telling Im Jaebum (the oldest and their leader) and Jackson Wang (their Hong Kong native and second oldest) that they could start leaving. Kunpimook (stage name Bambam was from Thailand who's the second youngest) was already by the door waiting patiently while looking through his social media.

It took only a few more minutes until their manager ushered everyone out the dressing room and out the building into their vans. The group could hear their fans screaming their names and taking photos of them as they got in their van. Jackson, Bambam, and Yugyeom took one van while the other three took another van. Being the last to get in the van, Jinyoung gives a friendly smile towards the crowd while waving goodbye to them. Looking amongst the crowd he couldn't find the brown haired man with his camera. But it wasn't unusual, he was probably at their fan signing event waiting with his camera. Jinyoung couldn't help but smile at that thought. As the van door closes he could hear their leader gave a sigh of relief.

"That went smoothly, thank god." Jaebum mutters out, last time they tried getting into their vans fans started pushing close towards them causing a few of their fans in the front to fall down. It was a bit chaotic, but the boys being good-hearted as they are, quickly helped the fans that fell back up asking if they were okay. It took a little bit longer to settle the chaos and getting into their van that day.

Adjusting his head on the headrest of his seat Jinyoung only hums as a response as sleep was calling him. The last thing he remembers was Youngjae singing softly to a song he was listening to besides him in the car. When he woke up (because his manager was tapping him gently on the shoulder) they had arrived at their today fan signing. Getting out of the car while stretching and yawning, Youngjae and Jaebum got out of the van after him. Jackson, Bambam, and Yugyeom were already out of their van talking amongst themselves. Those three were always chattier of the group.

As their manager waves for the six of them to follow her, a few nicely built security guards escorted them safely into the building as well. Once they got inside, in a room behind the stage that their fan waited in they could hear loud chattering and shouting calling for them. Jinyoung takes a seat on the couch while Youngjae goes off to get his makeup retouched up on. Jaebum goes to sit beside him on the couch while a hairdresser lady began fixing Jaebum's hair.

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