Chapter 2

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Michaela's POV

The drive back to the academy felt much longer without my brother with me. I put on the radio, humming along to a few songs. After a while I saw a sign for a Wendy's, so I took the exit off the freeway, and stopped for a drink and some fries. It was only around 11, but I was hoping to be unpacking by now. It took me a really long time to say goodbye to my family, but since I pretty much never get emotional I didn't expect today would be any exception. I drove the rest of the way in silence. My classes started on Monday, which gave me all of tomorrow to settle in. When I arrived at the academy for the second time, I managed to get myself lost trying to find my dorm. It took ten minutes to find, but once I had arrived I found a parking space right in front of the dorm. I went in and opened the door to my room, and then went to get the boxes. I picked up the box full of my books and got all the way to the door before bumping into someone. 

'Dude! Watch it!' I yelled, bending down to pick up all of my books.

'I'm so sorry. Here,' He got down on his knees to help me. I looked up at him, and was a little taken aback. He had a chiselled jaw, a little stubble, and I felt like his eyes were staring right into my soul.

'Wait, what were you doing in my room?' I glared at him, as he gave me a confused look.

'Your room?  This is my  room. Is that why there are loads of boxes in the other room?'

'Yeah, um. I brought them here earlier.' I tried to be mad at him, but he was being so nice to me. 

'Why don't we take these into the room, and then go see the dean?'


'I'm Jared, by the way.'


We finished picking up the books and I put the box in my room.

'You got any other boxes?'

god, his accent.

'Yeah, two.'

'I'll help you.

'No, I can do it.'

'I insist.' He smiled. 

'Fine,' I sighed.

We headed back out to the car where I picked up the heavier box. I didn't want him thinking of me as weaker because I was a girl, so I carried my box full of gym weights. I was straining under the pressure, but I didn't care. I dumped the box in my room, and Jared came in after me with a different box. 

'Where is the dean's office?'

'I'm not sure, I only got here about an hour ago.'

'I'll go to the secretary and ask.'

'I'll come.'

'Fine.' Honestly, I didn't see why this dude wanted to go everywhere with me. I walked outside and got in my car, beckoning for him to follow. 

'You're gonna drive?  It's five minutes walking.'

I wrinkled my nose.

'Seriously? We have two days left where we don't do intensive training twice a day, and you want to walk?'

'No,' He laughed. 'I want to run.'


'I'll race you.'

He'd got me there. I wasn't going to back down to a race, I didn't want him to think he was better than me.

'Fine, go!'

He was faster than me at first, but he had underestimated how far we were from the secretary's office. Of course I had more endurance than him. I sped past him, and beat him. 

'How... did...' Jared tried while catching his breath.

'You didn't really  think you were faster than me?' I laughed. I was a little taken aback by the fact I was laughing, when about ten minutes ago I found this guy really annoying. I still didn't like him much, but I stood my ground. As long as I got through the next ten minutes and we sorted out the room situation, he would become just another face in the hallways. We walked over to the secretary's desk, as she looked up at us with a cheery smile.

'How can I help you two?'

'We need to speak to the dean, it's about our rooms.'

'What's the issue?'

'We've both been put in the same room.' Jared and I said simultaneously. I gave him a look, while he smirked at me.

'Is there two bedrooms?'


'Then there's no problem. We've put several sets of students in rooms together, in particular the younger ones. It helps them settle into daily life caring for themselves.'

'But, we don't want  to share a room.'

'Actually, I don't mind.' Jared piped up.

'There's nothing I can do. You'll both need to work it out together.'

'So, for the next three years, I need to live with him?'


'But-' I tried.

'Alright. Thank you,' Jared interrupted, before pulling me gently off to one side.

'What are you doing?'  I whispered loudly.

'You really want your own room that  badly?' He looked a little hurt. I couldn't tell if he was genuinely a nice guy, or if he was just trying to get in my pants.

'I... I don't know.'

'Give it a week. If you still hate it, I'll ask the dean to move me.'


This was going to be the most awkward week of my life.

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