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╰☆☆ 𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔓𝔒𝔙 ☆☆╮
Waking up I sat up in my bed, my head throbbing from the headache I had had the night before and wished I could sleep away but evidence suggests that that wasn't about to happen. After getting dressed I made my way to The Garrison for my shift, as I walk in I was greeted by the sight of Tommy "Good morning Y/N" he greets me
"morning Mr Shelby" I mumble, pain slicing through my head which felt like it was in a vice "what's wrong? And please, call me Tommy" he inquires, I could tell Arthur was listening into the conversation because he was stood in the doorway but I decided to ignore him "headache, nothing massive. Just painful" I say rubbing my forehead and eyes, I put my head in my hands, my arms supported me the bar as I let out a sigh. As I stand there I feel I soft but big hand lay on my hair, gently playing with it soothing and calming my thoughts and bringing me back to reality, I gently lean into the touch of the hand and for a moment I relax and zone out, I get snapped back to reality by Tommy's hand quickly ripping away from my head as he noticed Arthur "Brother, what are you doing? Eavesdropping again I assume" Tommy speaks, his normal strong tone returns quicker than it left "You're getting soft in your age Tommy," Arthur says, his gravelly voice filling the air. Tommy sighs, "Is there anything of importance I need to know about?" The younger brother speaks, annoyance lacing his voice as he speaks "Bets are up on the horses this week, as you said they would be" The older speaks "Is that all?" Tommy replies, obviously not fond of his brother's company at this time "Yes. Well, I'm off, Bye Tommy" Arthur speaks before walking out the two sets of double doors that lead out of The Garrison out onto the streets. "You didn't seem very fond of his presence, something bothering you?" You gently speak, not wanting to trigger anything.
"Just wanted to spend some time with you before the men come in, I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you yesterday" You blushed at this, Thomas Shelby wanted to talk to you! "What do you want to talk about then Tommy," You say trying to keep your nerves at bay as you walk around the bar to join him on a table "What did you do in France? if you don't mind me asking" You speak carefully, knowing its a sensitive subject. "I was a clay kicker, I won medals for gallantry in the war. We dug tunnels. Towards the end of the war, we could hear the bombs dropping down, and men came into the tunnel, they tried to kill us." Tommy spoke, his voice sombre and sad, remembering what happened in the war. "I'm sorry Tommy, I truly am," You say quietly. Walking over softly, you wrap your arms around his seated body, gently resting your head on his. You felt sorry for him, no one should have to go through that.

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