Chapter 1

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Its been three days since I ate a damn thing. My stomach doesn’t even hurt anymore,
it’s just so empty. It’s hollow and chewing on itself. Has it truly stop hurting or have I simply
grown used to it? The teacher’s droning is not helping the fuzzy state of my mind. I’m trying to
concentrate on the assignment in front of me. Trying to make sense of the lecture, but I’m too
lightheaded. I didn’t sleep last night, because of the cramping in my calves…

“Rayne, hey, snap out of it.” Comes a voice from my left followed by a sharp jab in the
ribs that makes me flinch. I look over and it’s Cam. He’s looking at me with concern so I smile
weakly at him.

“Thanks, bud. I didn’t sleep again last night.” His frown deepens, wrinkling and maring
his otherwise perfect face.

He’s the crazy kind of beautiful. All smooth skin and strong yet delicate features. Deep, hazel eyes that could melt the soul. Eyes, which by the way, were currently focusing on me with a deep pain. Guilt. Worry. Ah fuck me.

“Hey, wanna go out later? Corner store? You can buy me Reeses.” I say, jabbing him in
the arm for revenge.

I don’t want to go the corner store, I want to go home and crawl into bed.
He’s worried though and if he buys me something to eat it’ll make him feel better. I hope.

“Yeah and I’m going to watch you eat it.” He says with a serious look.

I grin angelically,
but inside I’m roiling. Reeses cups are about 130 calories per package. A king size, which he’ll
probably force on me, is 267. Anxiety rises up in my throat, but I swallow it down to laugh.

"Oh, what, you don't trust me?" I say teasingly, already knowing the answer. He grins softly before tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Of course I do. I just want to make sure you're eating. You look pale, Ray." He says, his voice dropping an octave like it does when he's upset.

Inside I'm cringing. I hate seeing him hurt, but this isn't something he can control. It's my body. I know he cares. He'd be the only one, but... he just doesn't see what I see.

"I eat, Cam. I'm okay I swear." I try to put on my most "TOTALLY HEALTHY AND NORMAL," face which makes him start laughing.

"I don't know what that expression was, but please make it when I have my phone aimed and ready to post it."

"Ew, God no. My face would break your phone."

"Shush, don't talk about my best friend like that. It's rude. Especially since I happen to like her face." He says before squishing my cheeks with his fingers. It hurts a little bit, but I don't complain. It's been a long time since me and him have had a good moment like this.

"MS. SANTOS AND MR. LEHST DO I NEED TO SEPERATE YOU TWO OR COULD YOU MANAGE TO PAY ATTENTION?" Our teachers voice thunders from behind us, where she's standing with her arms crossed. My face lights up red and I nod, trying to hide my embarrassment at being called out in front of the whole class. Cam smirks and shrugs before giving me a lopsided grin.

"THANK YOU, EYES ON THE BOARD." She says before stomping away.

For the rest of class I keep my eyes ahead of me, memorizing the board. I can feel Cams eyes drilling into my back, begging me to turn and look at him. I don't.


The bell shrieks, scaring the shit out of me. I gather my stuff, my stomach panging sharply as the smells of lunch drift in through the open classroom door. A piece of paper lands on my notebook before I can put it in my bag.

I look up and watch Cam breeze out of the class, not once looking back at me. I pick up the paper and unfold it.



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