Одной (one)

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Around 1740 a young noble woman once lived her name was Rebekah with her 17 years she was far older than other women who were married. Her parents always organized balls for her to find a man, but she didn't want any man she would never love, she wanted to find the great love even if she would put her family's reputation at risk. To bring them to their senses, they shoved their parents to America where their sister lived with her husband. Rebekah was happy because she hadn't seen her sister for almost two years. But she also knew that her sister should only talk her into finally getting married. After a long ship journey she was finally in America Rebekah noticed immediately that here the sun shone much more like in France. When she finally arrived at the house of the family she was told by servants that she should please be ready to eat with friends of the family and that she can call her assigned maid at any time. After almost exactly one hour Rebekah was ready for dinner, the first thing she saw when she entered the dining room was her sister with a little boy on her arm who was probably her son. At dinner was a boy who was about 20 years old, and his family. At that time Rebekah didn't know it was her fiancé and the engagement will be announced tonight. Rebekah was even more shocked when she learned that from now on she should stay with her future husband. After almost a year of marriage she couldn't stand it any longer when she and Mikael went to bed, her husband took her a pillow and put it on his head and let him suffocate with her half year old boy she fled. After two years of escape she finally found a man she could love. The two married and were happy until their death, they did it differently than their parents and let their son decide for himself if he married

 That's my first fanficion I only learn english in School but I tried my hand at an english fanficion you are welcome to improve spelling and Grammar.


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