Flickering Hope

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Castiel stares down at the broken fragments of the Angel Tablet laying on the ground as Metatron drills into him with his words.

"And the Angel Tablet, arguably the most powerful instrument in the history of the universe is in pieces," he continues and Cas' eyes flicker up to him  "and for what again? Oh, that's right. To save Dean Winchester. That was your goal right? I mean you draped yourself in the flight of heaven, but it was all about saving one human, right?" Cas looks away, avoiding Metatrons gaze, he cannot see his true feelings for Dean spill over.

"Well guess what? He's dead too." Cas' gaze shoots right back at Metatron, an evil grin splaying at his lips. My jaws slacks as an empty void opens up in his chest, threatening to suck him in if he doesn't hold on. "And you're sitting in my chair." He spits.

Cas tries to leap for him, but finds himself restrained by handcuffs. He tugged on them but they didn't budge. He looks up, confusion widening the black hole inside him. He can hear Metatron still speaking in the background, but his mind is wheeling. Dean.

"You'll never get away with this."  Cas growls.

"Get away with what? You told a silly story to a group of less than belivers, i'll clean up your mess in an hour."

"You give our brothers and sister far too little credit," Cas pants, his chest feels like as if its contracting "they will soon learn that you have been playing them."

"And then? They will do nothing. Because they are frightened little sheep, following my crook wherever it leads. And where i'm taking them, back to our rightful place, atop this mountain of human shame and excriment, when that happens, trust me, they're not gonna care how they got there.

"You know why you could never pull it quite together Castiel?" Metatron spits pushing Cas' chair sending it backwards a little "Why you're sitting here, with your grace, slowly burning away, and your reputation long extinguished? No curiosity. You didn't read enough. You never learned, how to tel la good story." Metatron pulled out an Angel Blade and pointed it at Cas' chest. It was already coated in blood. Dean's blood. Cas leaned in close, bubbles of hate bursting inside his chest.

"But you did." Cas looks across at the microphone broadcasting everything over to all the angels. Metatrons eyes widen and angels file into the room, and down into the jail.

Everything went past in a blur, Cas tied up all the loose ends in heaven, and left Hanna in chage before making his way down to Earth. I just want to be an Angel. He lands in a field, where he immediately collapses, his trenchcoat whirling around his limp body. Dean. All of Cas' body is screaming for Dean, for one more look, one more word. One more.

Sam.  He jump up and unfolds his wings, which causes the leaves to whirl around before he takes off, towards the bunker.

"NO!" The sound of yelling, fills Cas' head as he stops beside Sam in the dungeon of the bunker.

"Dammit Crowley!" He yells, a thick haze of anger is blanketing the room.

"Sam." Cas says weakly, tears stinging his eyes.

"Cas!" Sam gasps turning to face him  "Oh Cas!" He yells again hugging Cas tight. Wave after wave of the smell of alcohol hits Cas. But he lets himelf savour the comfort and safety of the drunken hug.

"Sam, you're drunk." He manage to choke through his constricted throat.

"Touching. But I really must go now." Cas flicks my fingers and Crowley is free, disappearing from the room.

"Hey!" Sam growls.

"He can't help."

"He," Sam begins but pauses to take a breath "is the only one who CAN help."

Cas tilts his head in confusion.

"Cas." He hears Deans voice behind him as Sam pushes him away and he slams into the wall. Cas looks up to see Sam pointing Ruby's knife at Deans chest.

"Get away from us."

"Dean." He chokes slamming Sam against the far wall with my grace.

"Castiel." Dean smiles, Cas stumbles towards him.

"Dean. Dean." His voice comes out raw, ragged, needy.

Cas is just about to reach him when his eyes... they... flicker black. Cas draws a sharp breath and backs away. The hole inside him opens up again, only this time, he's closer to the edge.

His breath hitches in his throat and his eyes burn as he scrambles to hold on. Dean is a demon. Is this worse than him being dead? Him being here, but not being able to express his feelings for Cas. Not being able to interact peacefully with Cas.

"Dean." He whispers, barely being able to manage to get his voice to come out of his throat.

"Cas," Deans eyes fill with colour for a few seconds "don't be afraid." He reaches out to him, but half way, his eyes cloud over and his hand drops to his side. Cas can see the internal struggle that's going on inside him. His eyes loose the smoky colour.

"I'm still me." He mumbles. Suddenly he jumps.



"Run," He yells "now!" before his stance changes, like a cheetah going after its prey. He smirks reaching up to the ceiling and ripping down a pipe.

"Sam!" Cas whirls and grabs Sam quickly flying away. They land near a diner, a few miles away from the Bunker.

"No!" Sam grabs Cas' shoulders "Deans still in there! We have to get him!"

It takes all Cas has to say no. He alone wants to go back, wants to use every tiny bit of mojo inside him to fix Dean.

"I'm sorry Sam, but you have to calm down. We can't help Dean while panicking. But I promise, we'll save him. I promise Sam."

Sam relaxes, taking his hands off of Cas' shoulders.

"You're right." He sighs combing his fingers through his dark hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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