(Day 1) going to the restaurant at working hours

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I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 12PM 'shit, I slept in late' I though to myself, I walked down the stairs to the dinning room and sat at the table. "jeez, I wish I had someone to make me breakfast... well lunch at this point" I said to myself, I got up and walked back up to my room and got a (f/c) hoodie, white t-shirt ,black skinny geans, and a pear of (f/c) convers, I walked in to the bathroom and took a shower before I go to the pizzeria.

-time skip to the pizzeria-

when I got to the pizzeria I pulled up to a free space and stoped the car, and turned it off. I walked inside the building and walked into the main room, I saw every one there they looked like there where supposed to for the children. And Bon looked really cute like this! 'I wonder if they can see me while there working?' I thought to myself, I walked around the room and saw B.B and J.J giving kids balloons, Marionette taking the kids tickets and giving them there prizes. I walked into the room Mangle was in and stood at the door way just watching the kids pull her apart and putting her back to gather 'will she still look the same tonight?' I thought to myself walking back to the main room. I didn't want to walk into the party room because there privet parties, and it would be rude unless I worked the day shift. But I'm not so I'm not interrupting just to see what there doing.

-10 minutes later-

I was enjoying my time just standing and watching the gang doing there thing when all of a sudden I felt really tired, I decided to go home and sleep especially because I have work tonight and don't want to sleep on the shift. I walked out to my car and unlocked it and got in.

-smol time skip-

I drove back home and changed in to something more comfortable and checked that my alarm was on and slept.

Hay! So this is really short and the days are probably going to be short like this okay?...... Why am I asking this? Idk oh well, okay so

Love you all 💜

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