"They'll be here ASAP" Zayn announced walking over to Niall and taking his hand, trying to comfort his shocked boyfriend.

"Baby, I love you" I repeated.

Liam came over and pressed his head to Louis' chest. I bit my lip, watching intently. Liam looked up at me. "He has a very, very slow pulse. They need to get here pronto."

I nodded and looked down at Louis again. "Baby, why'd you do this? I thought you wanted to fix yourself. Is this the answer? This is how you wanted to fix yourself? Suicide?!" I yelled.

Liam placed his hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. "Louis, why?!"

"Harry..." Liam called.

"Louis, why?! You can't leave me! Not like this! We can do this! Don't give up you fucking pussy!" I sobbed.


"Back off, Liam! Louis did you honestly think this was the way? Well screw you! Don't leave me like this, you twat!" I pounded my fists on Louis' chest. "Never talk to me again or move back to Doncaster but don't...don't leave me like this...I-I love you!"

"Harry!" Liam grabbed my wrists and looked me in the eyes. "You need to calm down."


Suddenly, two medics came through with a stretcher.

"Step aside!" one yelled.

They picked Louis up and carefully placed him down before rolling away. I trudged along, holding Louis' hand.

"I love you" I whispered to him. "So much."


"The cuts on his wrist weren't that deep so they'll heal in time. As for the depressants, he took exactly twenty-one pills. If you guys would've came a little later, he would've died. When he wakes up and is released, I'd like to have him admitted to a self-help group. He seems to have been suicidal many a times from the older scars I've seen so I think it's best he gets some help" the doctor stated.

"Wait, Louis' tried to commit suicide before?" Niall asked.

I sighed. "It was his sophomore year. He was going through a dark time with being gay and all."

Niall nodded sadly. "Oh."

"When will he awake?" Liam asked.

"Who knows. It could be later today or tomorrow or a week. We'll let you know ASAP, but for right now no one can see him" The doctor answered.

"Thank you" we all said. I sat back down in my seat and gripped at my hair.

"Hey" Zayn kneeled down and placed a hand on my knee. "You okay?"

"Not really. I mean, he's alive so that's good. I'm just glad he didn't d-die" I said.

"He'll be okay" Zayn reassured.

"Hey, I know Louis. He's a tough cookie. He'll make it through" Liam said.

"If he's so tough why did he try to kill himself?" I said, my voice raising making everyone flinch.

The room fell silent. I looked over all the guys before shaking my head.

"Exactly" I said standing up and walking out the hospital without another word.


The warm water cascaded down my body, cooling my aching muscles. I had been cooped up in that hospital chair for three days, waiting for Louis to wake. Liam had finally had enough and said that I stink so I should at least go home and shower and eat. I reluctantly went though. Josh also accompanied me to keep an eye. Liam's orders...sigh.

I Hated You First ➸ Larry Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt