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As i was walking throught the halls people were looking at me in a strange way and whispering quietly "does he know better not tell him" Maya caught up with me and ask me how am i taking it now i was really confused but just then i saw Jeremey locker and i dropped my whole pencil cause because i saw what i didnt want to see a ton of flowers and  note pads notes and one note saying "HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE" then i realized JoshKILLED HIMSELF  i was in shock i couldnt function that day.


Funeral day came and i went tp his house his whole family saw me and gave me one big hug and told me it wasnt my fault and it was a note saying this and this made my cry so much this is what the note says:

When i read it i leaft  afterwards bit while leaving i remebered what he said  FRIENDS WILL TAKE YOU PLACES BUT NEVER BRING U BACK and then i realized that i needed to start over and start a  fresh i ran to maya house and told her we need to break...

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When i read it i leaft  afterwards bit while leaving i remebered what he said  FRIENDS WILL TAKE YOU PLACES BUT NEVER BRING U BACK
and then i realized that i needed to start over and start a  fresh i ran to maya house and told her we need to break and she clearly undertand why
I needed to i got back to my studues and my some new allies and maya was always there for me

FRIENDS  DON'T LIEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя