I mentally cursed. This couldn't have happened at a worse time.

I turned around and smiled "Hey, dude." I greeted.

He looked at Rachel's body up and down and licked his lips. "Who's she?"

I could feel Rachel's body tense up at his behavior.

His actions resulted in me clenching my fists at my sides. Not you're next fuck, asshole.

"Her? I don't know...she's a nobody." I stated, feeling guilt punch me in the face.

As bad as it sounds, I couldn't let people find out I was hanging out with Rachel.

"Ah she's a nobody? I knew I haven't seen her around before." He laughed. "Why the hell are you hanging out with her, bro?"

Because she's different, bro.

"I'm not. She's just begging for me to fuck her, dude." I explained quickly.

To make this awful situation slightly better, Caleb's tool friends called him over and they all got in the same car and drove off. At least I can't fuck this up any worse than it already is.

I closed my eyes.I didn't have it in me to turn around to face Rachel. Oh god what if she's crying? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"I'm gonna go." She stated quietly, after a moment of silence.

I spun around and grabbed her arm. "Rach, don't. I...fuck. You know I didn't mean any of that shit. He was just looking at you the wrong way and...fuck. Don't go." I rambled quickly.

I could see her slightly smile with the corner of her mouth as I called her Rach, but it faded all too quickly.

"It's true Calum." She looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm a nobody, and you're popular. We shouldn't go out in public together, I don't want to ruin your flawless reputation. This idea was a mistake." Rachel stated, trying to tug her arm out of my grip.

"Goddammit Rachel, you're not a nobody you're...Rachel."

If there was one thing I am bad at it is apologizing. As you can probably tell, I'm not one for apologies. Because, well, I've never really been sorry for all the shit I've done to girls.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She questioned, raising her voice.

I don't fucking know either! Maybe the fact you're the only girl I can talk to without wanting to bend over a table?

"I don't know...fuck. Please come. I know how much you want the albums." I pouted.

She smiled and shook her head at me. "You're buying, Hood."

I couldn't help but feel as if she knew about how I've never really apologized before, and accepted my shitty one.

"I was already planning on it, Grey." I smiled back.

Rach walked up to me, jumped, and tugged her beanie off my head and started running while putting it on hers.

"You don't even know where we're going Rach!" I laughed, running after her.

She stopped running, and I caught up with her "Oh yeah." She laughed.

"It's about a ten minute walk from here." I informed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I held the glass door of the record shop open and followed behind Rachel as she entered.

"Woah." she whispered, looking around the old building.

"I know." I smirked.

I directed Rachel to where the CDs are and searched the shop for Ashton.

"Ashypooooooo." I sang.

"Jesus Christ Calum, go away." I heard a voice groan from behind me.

I turned around and smiled at my best friend. "C'mon don't say that. You love me."

"Mhm." he mumbled. "Why are you here?"

"Jeez, you could at least act excited to see me." I scoffed, picking up a record. "I'm here with a....friend. She wanted an album."

"She? Is she a fuck bud-"

"No." I cut Ashton off.

"Whatever. I gotta work. Yell if you need anything." Ashton mumbled, walking into the back room.

I put the record back and walked down the aisle and took navigated to the CD shelves.

"Hey Rach did you fi-" I stopped talking as I saw Hemmings pushing his glasses up his nose and searching for a CD.

"Oh...L-l-uke...what are you doing here?" I stuttered.

My voice caused him to turn to me, and when he saw me, he rolled his eyes and continued to search through the stacks. "Looking for the Blink CD I'm missing."

"Cool." I mumbled awkwardly. "Did you find the All Time Low albums, Rach?" I asked, walking up to her.

"Yeah Luke helped me." She smiled. "Which one should I get?" She asked, holding up Nothing Personal in one hand and Dirty Work in the other.

I could feel Luke staring at us from behind.

"Dirty Work." I smiled, reaching into my pocket and grabbing a twenty. "Go pay, I'll put the other one back."

She nodded and walked out of the aisle in the direction of the cash register.

I put Nothing Personal back in it's rightful spot, for Ashton's sake, and as I turned Luke was staring at me.

"Don't destroy her, Cal."



luke in glasses :drool:

I love reading all of your comments, you guys are hilarious

oh and thanks for 2k reads!! please vote!

(I try and make the gifs at top match the chapter if you haven't realized)

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