Tony Stark

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"I blame you for it!" I yelled, crossing my arms.

He scoffed, "Oh, please. We would've been fine if I didn't have to save you!"

I rolled my eyes, "Shut it, Stark. I didn't even need saving, I was fine."

"You fell from a skyscraper!" He exclaimed.

"I have powers! I can lift myself up and basically fly, you fucking moron." I retaliated.

Steve got in-between us and put his arms out, "Stop it, you two! We're supposed to be a team. Whatever happened to you two?"

"I stopped tolerating him when he betrayed me." I answered, gritting my teeth.

Tony groaned, "I never betrayed you, Y/N. I simply mislead you."

"Mislead? Are you kidding me? I hate you!" I yelled at him.

Clint sighed and yanked me away, "Time to go, She Hulk."

"Wow, thanks. Means a lot, arrow boy." I sighed.

Once we were far enough away he took me aside, "What happened to you two? You use to be so close."

I hesitated, "He... He umm- He told me he loved me."

He raised a brow, "That's all?"

"I loved him back, but one day I saw something I could never forget. I walked in to his office to see him, and I was met with the sight of him on top of his assistant." I confessed, sadness clear in my voice.

"Why would he ever tell you he loved you then?" Clint asked softly.

I shook my head, "I don't know, he's just a cruel man whom I hate."

"I'm sure he had a reason." Clint said.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't try and make all of this make sense, it never will."

I was flipping through some files as footsteps were heard behind me, I assumed it was just Steve getting something for the next mission so I ignored it.

"Y/N, can we talk?" A voice asked, a voice I dreaded to hear.

I turned around swiftly, "What do you want?"

He sighed, "I need to talk to you."

"I've heard enough of you." I responded coldly.

"Please. All I ask if for you to listen." He said sadly.

"You got 5 minutes." I sighed.

He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I ever hurt you, I'm sorry I ever loved you."

I rolled my eyes at him, "You never loved me, Stark."

"But I did, Y/N. I never intended to hurt you. I just thought you deserved better, I didn't want you to have me. So, I tried to forget my feelings by turning to another women. All I ended up doing was trying to fill a void I had inside me. I know it was wrong, I'm sorry. I just wanted you to have someone better, not me, I never deserved you and I definitely don't now. I don't expect you to forgive me, just know that I still love you." He confessed, a lone tear sliding down his cheek.

I was shocked by what he told me. What was I supposed to say, I forgive him? I don't know what to do with this information. Part of me wants to forgive and forget then run into his arms, the other part knows better. 

"I- I must admit, I'm a bit shocked by this." I told.

He opened up his arms hesitantly, "I love you, so much."

I bit my lip and walked over, melting into his embrace. 

"I think I still love you too." I muffled into his chest.

I still loved him too much to not forgive him, as much as I wanted to hate him I couldn't deny that he meant everything to me. I love him.

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