In your head

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this goes to sunny and dalulah.. because without you it would not exist.. 

i hope you like it


„Are you lost?", he tried with a reassuring grin. Something about him seemed very familiar which was also the reason why you grabbed the hand he offered you and let him pull you up. „Th..thanks.", you managed.

„It's okay... You're going to be okay.", he said in a soft voice. You realized you were standing very close to him and took a step back. An awkward silence followed. You just kept staring at his face, taking in his features once again. His eyes had a reassuring look in them as if he was trying to calm you down by using his eyes.

„I wish you could..", he finally interrupted your staring with a sigh. „You wish I could what?", you asked, feeling a blush tainting your cheeks.

At your statement his eyes widened. He looked at you in shock. „Wait. Did you just... Can you actually..?", he muttered, seeming baffled.

„Can I what?", you questioned again feeling slightly uneasy because you didn't know what was wrong.

„Can you... hear me?", he asked, amazement filling his voice. „Of course I can.", you replied rolling your eyes. You weren't deaf so why shouldn't you be able to understand what he was saying?

He kept staring at you in disbelief, his mouth standing slightly open, picturing his astonishment.

„What.. I mean how..?"

This was the first time you realized that his lips weren't moving while he was talking. His mouth was still standing slightly open, but it wasn't producing any sound. „You don't understand..", he stammered. „People can't... no-one can hear me, I am..", he started to explain but interrupted himself mid-sentence, running his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. „I can't speak", he stated, even though you could hear his voice loud and clear.

„I am mute." His lips weren't moving while making this statement and you became aware that indeed he was not making any sounds. His voice was in your head.

„No you're not.", you replied slowly.

„I am to most people.", he answered. „But apparently not to you?", his eyebrow moved in a questioning matter.

You unconsciously made a step forward, your hand flying up to his face until your fingers were only centimetres away from touching his lips.

„How is this possible?", you whispered.

„I have no idea.", he answered without his lips moving.

A sudden breeze made you shiver and you pulled back your hand that had been hovering over his lips. The cold took you back to reality and your problems at hand. Apart from the guy in front of you that made you question your sanity there was also the fact that it was the middle of the night and you were standing at some random bus stop having neither a clue where exactly you were nor a phone that might have helped you finding out more about your whereabouts.

„Need a ride?", he suddenly questioned as if he had read your mind (you seriously hoped he hadn't). You quickly went through the possibilities you had but there was not much you could do and some inner voice (not his voice for a change) told you that you could trust him. „That would be really nice, thank you.", you finally replied. He nodded and gestured to a few cars you could make out down the road. „My car is this way."

The first minutes of the ride were spent in silence. The both of you were clearly upset about what had happened and both of you were lost in thought. You wanted to give him time to process but you were still curious so you decided to break the silence. „What's your name?", you started off with an easy question.

„Agust", he replied. His eyes still focused on the road. „Yours?"

„Y/n", you answered. Once again it was quiet so you fired the next question at him: „What do you do Agust?"

„Nothing much", he said hesitantly. „I am studying architecture in college and making bike deliveries.", he explained in a monotone tone.

„It doesn't sound as if that excites you too much.", you said without thinking.

„It doesn't", he answered brusquely. He sighed and continued: „I like sleeping."

„Well.. sleeping is nice, I agree, but there has to be something that you are really passionate about."

He fell quiet for quite a while and you almost thought he wouldn't answer but then he finally spoke up: „There is indeed something..", he hesitantly murmured. You held your breath not wanting to interrupt him.

„.. one thing that i love.", the last word was spoken with such sincerity that you couldn't make fun of the wording.

„What is it?", you whispered.


You are the Music in me Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora