Clumsy beginnings

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The boy with the lonely eyes. He was standing there, leaned against a tree with one foot arched, reading a small book with his head down while his dark rustic hair fell perfectly to his face. He was tall with emerald eyes. He always wore black, like today, black skinny ripped jeans with a plain black shirt covered with his leather jacket. He looked like your typical bad boy but he's not, he loves books especially about nature and animals, cartoons, music of all sorts, mostly rap, but what he loved most was sitting in the park alone while taking in the summer air, leaned against a tree just thinking about life. He lifts his head and looks across at me and says smiling "staring is rude Ms. Eliot". I responded "I wasn't staring at you! I was just admiring the view". He chuckled and went back to reading his book. "What are you reading?" I asked as I approached him. He kept looking at the book and says "it's an interesting read, not my cup of tea but it's alright". He showed me the book cover and I was surprised, Shakespeare, "full of surprises today aren't you Knight" I said curiously. He smiled and faced me; he took a step beside me, bent down and whispered "don't tease me Amelia" and walked away touching my shoulder. His words left me frozen, the way he said my name was like hearing angels singing. He had me weak in my knees. I took a deep breath and walked to me next class.

When class was over, I was walking the halls of campus and abruptly I bumped into Knight, falling on each other. He was over me with messy hair and a smile "clumsy much Eli" he says. "You bumped into me Devan" I said angrily. He laughed and said "you're adorable when you try to be angry" I got angrier. I folded my hands, still on the floor. His hands holding him up beside me. "Come on, get up" he says standing up, he takes my hand and pulled me up. He picked up my books and hands them to me. He looks at me and says "next time you want me over you lets go somewhere more private, yeah?" he laughs waiting for me to respond. "I'll be sure to hold you to that Knight". He looked a little shocked and says "you know I wouldn't mind" he winks playfully and leaves. He's playing with me and its working. A moment passes and I realized I was still standing there frozen again because of him. All my classes were over and I was walking to my bike, it's ridiculous, a 20 year old riding a bike. A black care cruises beside me and then stops. The glass rolls down and "hey clumsy, nice ride you got there" he laughs. "Want a ride?" he asks me, I was hesitant but he managed o persuade me to go wiith him. I got in the car and we drove off. He turns up the volume on his radio and starts rapping every word from Eminem's 'love the way you lie" I was not surprised. "Rap huh?" I yelled, the music was too loud. "Yeah but you already knew that right clumsy" he shouts back. Everyone knows he loves rap, he then turns on a Melanie Martinez song and should "sing with me clumsy!" "Come on, I know this is your favorite song" he continues. It was my favorite song but how did he know that. We started singing and continued until we finally arrived at my apartment. I was about to open the door when he said "it was fun singing with you, let me walk you to your door". We got out the car; he bought the bike to my door. He looks me straight in my eyes; we stood there for what seemed like eternity. I broke the silence with "I'll see you later Knight" I turned around about to open my door when he takes my hand back and spins me around, pulling me into him, one hand holding me around my waist and the other removing the hair from the side of my face. He didn't say a word; he just stood there looking at me. He looked as if he just didn't know what was happening, like he couldn't control himself. I wanted to look away but his eyes captured me, leaving me frozen in his arms this time. He leans in closely, lips barely touch and he lets me go "I'm sorry" he says with a slight smile, "it's alright" I responded. "Next time don't stop" I said and walked into my apartment.

Devan's P.O.V

She says "next time don't stop" and walks into her apartment. This girl has me smiling, this isn't good. What was I thinking, holding her like that, I can't be with her. I can think about her though. She was small in an adorable way, her grey eyes mesmerized me, and her smile gets me every time. When she smile it's like the whole universe stops and she's the only one that can see me. She's clumsy but I have a feeling that's because of me. Her red hair was blossoms in the snow, beautiful. She had the weirdest clothes, so colourful but it compliments her personality, bright and pretty. I got in my car ad went to my house. I opened the door and ran towards me, she hugged me tightly and said "I missed you so much"

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