Chapter 2

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Youngji woke up in Jackson's arms. He was still sleeping and snoring really loud. She looked at him and couldn't help but smile to herself. I'm engaged. We're going to tie the knot soon. Youngji was beyond estatic to finally marry the love of her life.

She remembered the first day they met.

They were both filming a reality show called "Roommate". Youngji had no interest in Jackson at first but he slowly began to win her heart. After awhile they began secretly dating after the show ended. She's been with him for about 2 years now. It may not be long for one to get married so fast but she just knew they were right for each other.

Youngji jumped in her skin when Jackson suddenly snored REALLY loud. Almost like a pig. She snapped out of it and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Youngji headed downstairs to make breakfast and set the food on the table. She headed back upstairs to wake up Jackson.

Youngji:" Jackson. Wake up."

She went around the bed and shook him a little.

Youngji: "Wakkkkee uppppp"

Jackson still snored loudly.

She smacked him really hard, leaving a red mark on his fast.

Youngji: "Yah! Get up! You've slept long enough. Time to eat."

Jackson:" why did you hit me like that? Damn, this hurts." *rubs cheek*

Youngji:"well maybe if you wouldn't sleep so much I wouldn't have done that."

Jackson:"Well, let me go get ready."

About 10 minutes later.......

Jackson comes down and gobbles up his breakfast.

Youngji:"slow down or you'll choke"

Jackson: "what? You mean like you did laat night."

Youngji: *blushes* "shut up. You know that was my first time doing that."

Jackson:"I know, I know. God, You're freaking beautiful."Jackson walks over to Youngji and kisses her passionately.

Youngji: *blushes* um....not right now

Jackson: " awe. Why not?"

Youngji:"I'm just not in the mood."

Jackson:"oh come on."

Jackson looked at Youngji and saw defiance in her eyes.

Jackson:"I see. I see. I love you "

Jackson: "uh oh. I gtg "


Jackson: "I got a interview today. "

Youngji:" Awww. Well, be safe love"

Jackson: " I will"

Jackson kisses her as he heads out the door.

Youngji decides to call Hara.

Hara:" hello?"

Youngji:" guess what?"

Hara :" what?"

Youngji:"I'm getting married."

Hara:" omg that's great news. I can't believe he proposed so fast. Congratulations"

Youngji/" thanks. He did it last night."

Hara :" where and how?"

Youngji:" at a thai restaurant. With the classic "ring in food" to take the cake"

Hara:" seriously? I'm so done with him. I literally can't "

Youngji/" it's the thought that counts."

Hara:"Ik Ik. Welp. Got to go."

Youngji:" why?"

Hara:"I'm going on a date."

Youngji:" who's the lucky guy?"

Hara:" it's a secret."

Youngji:" awe. Well bye"

Hara/" goodbye "

Youngji hangs up the phone and turns on the TV. She was channel surfing when suddenly she spotted Jackson on a live show. She turned up the volume and watched his interview, which was live. He talked about stuff he liked to do and his members, played games too.

MC:" so, Jackson. Do you have any love interests?"

Jackson:"yes in fact, I do."

MC:" oh really? Who is the lucky gal?"

Jackson/" her name is Youngji."

MC: ex-KARA's Youngji?

Jackson: yes. And I love her.

MC/ wait a minute. Are you guys dating?"

Jackson: " we're actually engaged."

MC: "wow. I was not expecting that at all. I'm sure this will come as a shock to your fans. Do you have something that you want to say to Youngji?"

Jackson looks at the camera. It's like he's looking right at me. Youngji was on the verge of tears.

Jackson/" Youngji. You make me the happiest man on earth and I'll go the moon and back for you. you can put up with my antics and I love that about you. I love your dorky personality. I love your silent hippo laugh.', your eyes, your nose....everything. I love everything about you. I hope we'll have a successful relationship. I love You ."

Youngji burst into tears and began crying. The T.V was still on in the background. MC/"so Jackson, how did you....." She turned off the TV and sobbed a little more. Her heart was so full. Why is he like this? Omg my heart. I freaking love him so much. He's so romantic and sweet. Youngji finally stopped crying and decided to go out for a walk.

Youngji stepped outside where it was raining and opened her umbrella. She put her headphones in and walked about. Suddenly she lost her footing. She was about to trip and fall on her head when a hand grabbed her back and pulled her upwards. Omg. I almost died. I better thank my savior. Youngji turned around to thank her rescuer.

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