Chapter Two RE

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Hi, I'm still a piece of garbage when it comes to updating. W h o o p s.

Sabre slammed the door shut as he got out of Moose's car, looking up and frowning. 

''Come on Sabre, we've already made everyone wait long enough!''

''It's your fault!'' Sabre shot back, glaring toward his friend. Moose waved it off and walked into the building where Nathan, Ryan, and Jay were probably waiting. Sabre walked in after Moose, making sure he didn't run into the door and whatnot. Sabre jumped when he felt a hand land on his shoulder.

''Nathan, Jay, Ryan, this is Sabre. Sabre's one of my other friends.''

Footsteps sounded out as one of them walked up to me.

''So this is the blind one you told us about?''

''Rude,'' Sabre swatted the guy's hand away from where it was poking his side.

''Yes, Nathan.'' Moose mused, sounding a little exasperated, probably by Nathan's choice words.

''Yo, Moose! Are you ready to be seated yet?!''

Sabre paused, frowning. That voice seemed... familiar. He shook his head violently, dismissing it rather quickly.

''Yeah!'' Moose called back. ''Come on Sabre.''

Sabre let out a sharp huff, allowing Moose to grab him by the wrist and partially drag him along. Moose sat Sabre in a seat, who quickly crossed his arms in annoyance. He wasn't a child, he could take care of his damn self.

''Mornin'!'' a cheery voice echoed. ''My name's Andrew if you didn't know, and I'll be your server for today. What'd you like to drink?''

''Just a coke,'' Sabre responded shortly before Moose could answer for him. Moose huffed and Sabre sent a glare over to where the huff came from.


If Andrew recognised him from the coffee shop, he sure as hell didn't show it, at least to Sabre's knowledge. 

Sabre tuned out of the others giving their orders. Instead, he listened to the background chatter, picking up bits of conversations, what their day was like, how they were doing in school, all the normal conversations. 

''-bre. Sabre!''

Sabre snapped back to reality. ''What, what?!''

Moose sighed, ''What do you want to eat?''

"I'll have an eight-ounce sirloin medium rare,'' Sabre said instantly. Andrew clicked his tongue in response, the scratching sound of pen on paper reaching Sabre's ears.

''Will that be all?''

Sabre responded with a short nod. Andrew hummed lightly and his footsteps receded. 

''So, Sabre,'' Sabre hummed in acknowledgement. ''Were you born blind?''

''No. Accident when I was little.''

''Damn. You know, I nearly lost mobility in my legs when I was a teenager, 'round age 15.''

''Really?'' Sabre's interest piqued as he looked in Ryan's, at least he hoped it was Ryan, direction. ''What happened?''

''Building under construction collapsed. Scaffolding landed right on me, causing a pretty nasty fracture in my spinal cord. But it wasn't to the point of paralysis, luckily, thanks to the first responders that got there.''

''And that's why he decided to learn criminal justice, eh?''

''Damn man. Do you still feel it?''


''The pain.''

''Yeah. It makes it a lot harder to lift heavier things, you know? I know the pain isn't really there, but it is.''

Sabre nodded slowly. He jumped lightly, hearing the sound of a plate being set in front of him. He mumbled out a soft 'thanks'. The chair next to him scraped against the floor and he assumed Andrew sat down.

''So, I'm on break now,''  Andrew hummed. ''But now I'm bored. So, who's this?''

''Sabre,'' he held out his hand in the direction of Andrew, ''you met me earlier today.''

''Oh yeah! Down at, uh- Terra Nomad, yeah?''


''Yo, that caramel latte I got was killer!'' Andrew sounded happy. ''I've never gotten a better one before in my life.''

Sabre hummed in a disinterested manner, picking away at the steak before him, his mind roaming. Andrew had picked up a conversation with Nathan while Jay, Ryan, and Moose chatted. 

''Well, we're off!'' Sabre tuned in to Moose speaking, not realizing what he had said before he was gone.

''Wait, no- and there goes my ride.''

Sabre sighed, set down the fork on the empty plate, and got up, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

"Oh, I can give you a ride if you need one," Andrew volunteered.

Sabre's eyebrow lifted slightly before shaking his head. "No, no, I'll be fine. Besides, I don't think it's that far away."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, seriously man, I'll be fine!" Sabre waved his hand dismissively, pulling the foldable walking cane out from his pocket.

"At least let me guide you out of the restaurant, don't want you crashing into tables, to be honest."

"Fine, fine, whatever."

Andrew did what he said, leading Sabre out to the front doors. "Here's your stop. You sure you don't want me to drive you home?"

Sabre let out another huff, shaking his head. "No thanks. I told you, I'll be fine."

"Alright, alright."

With that, Sabre exited the steakhouse, humming quietly to himself as he walked along the curb, his stick flicking along the sidewalk.

He listened to a car pull up to the curb with a squeal, the window rolling down as Moose began trying to apologise rapidly. Sabre simply rolled his eyes and got into the car.

YES ITS SHORT I KNOW AND IM S O R R Y. kjaBSKDB writers block hit me hard and i honestly had no idea what the hell i was doing. but! i do have a plan for this. and yes, the title is an actual title and the cover is new, though it will change eventually once i find something less... creepy. so, for now, i have to say, dobrou noc, dobré odpoledne, or dobré ráno!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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