An Unexcpected Meeting

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Shae silently flowed over the cobbled street of Diagon Alley. Her face safely hidden by her abyssal violet hood. Her lips and nose being the only things peeking out of the shadows, she strode towards the large marble building known as Gringotts Bank. Her eyes were like a bee searching for the perfect flower, ever moving and attentive. She'd heard that her godson was staying in the Leaky Cauldron, and was wishing that she might catch a glimpse of him. Her impassive expression twitched into a frown for but a moment as she remembered why she couldn't want for anything more substantial than that.

Dumbledore frowned at me pityingly as Bartemus Crouch Senior gave me their verdict, "I'm afraid that you've been found unfit for the role of Harry Potter's guardian." Bartemus wouldn't meet my eyes. After all these years of working together, he wouldn't even give me the common courtesy of looking in my direction, let alone at me, when speaking to me. When he did finally meet my gaze, I saw that he was frustrated with me. Not because I was angry with them. No, what frustrated him was that I couldn't find the ability to be angry, if that made sense. I should have been furious at their almost casual dismissal of my role as Harry's godmother, all because of something that happened to me so that they could be safe. So that their side of the war would have a better chance of winning. He knew that if I hadn't fought in their war, I would be a fiery ball of fury at the very idea of them rejecting me as Harry's magical guardian. And, even more so, at the thought of Harry staying with Lilly's muggle sister, Petunia.

Shae was startled from her memory as insults filled the air, originating from Flourish and Blotts. Her previously silent movements crescendoed into a drum-roll of quick steps. This time when her lips pulled into a frown, it stayed.

To say that she was unimpressed with the scene before her was an understatement. A crowd had began forming around a group of children; the source of the obnoxious arguing. There was a clear divide between the children, one boy against two girls and another boy. One of the girls was clearly related to the boy; both had red hair, freckles, and ratty old clothes. The other girl had unruly, curly, brown hair and eyes, she wore common muggle clothes, and had a rather large set of front teeth that caught the light every time she opened her mouth to spew more insults at the final boy. He had blindingly blond hair, piercing grey eyes, which flashed silver as they also caught the light. He stood in well kept higher class wizarding apparel.

Quickly, she strode through the crowd, making her way to the children and stepping between the opposing groups of kids. "What is going on here?" Her voice echoed in the sudden quiet that resulted from her intrusion. The larger group's faces blanched in surprise. This clearly wasn't the first time they had done this in public, it was however, the first time someone who was unrelated to both groups had ever stepped in.

"Who are you?" The red headed boy asked, entirely ignoring her question. The brunette watched her carefully, as the other girl frowned and muttered at her 'lack of manners'. She considered the group carefully before giving her reply. It was clear that the larger group was simply waiting to act upon the easiest way to turn her to their side. The blonde, on the other hand, had a delicately concealed down-trodden look in his eyes. He expected her to take their side as easily as a bird took flight. Perhaps, this was not the first time a stranger had attempted to interpose, after all.

"You may call me Miss Rheece," She said softly, having caught sight of their school robes. She turned towards the lone boy and tilted her head at him in faux-consideration as the brunette frowned at her apathetic tone. "I believe it to be time to bring you to your father." She caught the three frowning behind her from her peripheral, hope swiftly flitted across his gaze before being replaced by a carefully practiced mask. She strode to him as the brunette seemed to be grasping for what exactly to say to regain control of the situation. Movement caught her gaze from behind the three children, and placed a smile on her face. Nobody here knew her well enough to see that it didn't meet her eyes. "It seems that your three are wanted elsewhere." She gestured behind them with her head, pointing out five redheads busying themselves towards the group. Anyone could tell that as far as she was concerned, the conversation was over.

She quickly gathered the young blonde, leading him away despite the faint sounds of disapproval coming from the children. She spoke not another word as they separated from the crowd. She paused for but a moment before leading the boy into Knockturn Alley. As they traveled farther into the darker section of shops, the boy seemed to relax.

"Who are you?" He questioned cautiously.

"As I said earlier, you may call me Miss Rheece." She replied matter-of-factly, not meaning to discourage his curiosity, though that seemed to be the result. The pair returned to their previous silence until the boy rushed ahead with a relieved smile upon finding his father. The man looked quite similar to the boy, having the same white blonde and silver-grey eyes. Though his hair was much longer, and he was far taller than his son. As he turned to face her, a memory flitted before her eyes.

I rushed down the cold, dark hall as the sounds of fighting filled the hall. The passage was unusually empty, probably due to older students being the ones causing the ruckus. As I grew nearer to the yelling, their taunts became comprehensible; "What's a slimy snake doing wandering the halls by itself?" There was a soft, undignified whimper at these words. Probably the bullies' victim becoming aware of just how alone they were. For now. I skidded around a corner as my pace quickened, it wouldn't be long until I reached them. I only hoped that nothing drastic happened in that short amount of time. "Look at it, pathetic."

"What? Are you looking for your mommy and daddy to come save you?" At those words the, likely young, Slytherin whimpered once more. My anger was approaching its breaking point as I broke into a dead sprint, my heart pounding in either rage or exertion, I wasn't sure which.

"Well, guess what. Nobody's coming to save you." The first voice growled out as I rounded the final corner.

"Guess again." Was my enraged reply as I took in the scene before me, a frown placed steadfastly upon my lips. There were three Gryffindor boys, most likely sixth years, surrounding a boy who looked about my age. A first year Slytherin. "What, does picking on those younger than you make you feel strong?" It was my turn to growl out, ever nearing my boiling point.

"This isn't any of your business, girl." The apparent leader frowned at me. He was a tall, broad shouldered boy with shaggy dirty-blonde hair and dirt-brown eyes. He had sun kissed skin, and freckles dotted his face. He might have been attractive, had his personality not so easily overshadowed it with its ugliness. The other two older boys were clearly related, they were much paler than the first, and had neat raven black hair and crystal blue eyes, which had previously been shimmering with amusement. They now shined with uncertainty, they hadn't been prepared to fight with a fellow Gryffindor, let alone a girl.

"If you think that will stop me, then you were sorted into the wrong house." She held her head up high, coming closer to the four boys, only stopping when she was separating the two groups. "I suggest you get to the common room," She gave a cruel smile, "Professor Slughorn is on his way, and we all know how he gets when one of his students is found being picked on." She continued, hoping that they wouldn't pick up on her lie. A moment later the tall blonde nodded, and she found herself glad that they were Gryffindors, instead of Slytherins or Ravenclaws. The three boys hurried off.

"Why did you help me?" Came a quiet, confused voice from behind her as the three left their line of sight.

"Why wouldn't I?" She responded, turning to the young, pale, white-blonde boy.

He hesitated a moment before dropping that line of questioning, "You lied, didn't you?" Her only response was a sly smirk, her pride clear in her hazel eyes. He smiled in return, "My names Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy." He offered her his hand.

Taking his hand, she giggled softly and answered in turn, "I'm Rheece, Shae Rheece."

She shook herself from the memory, only to find herself staring into pools of grey. "Thank you." He offered softly, watching her carefully as his son blinked in surprise. She only nodded in response, her face impassive as she turned her back on them.

"I suggest you keep a more watchful eye on him in public. Some families do not raise their children with public opinion in mind." She called back as she started her walk back to Diagon Alley, still needing to visit Gringotts.

"I will keep that in mind." Was his soft reply, marking an end to the conversation.

Ashes on Fire (Currently editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin