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Tring Tring the sound of land phone was disturbed Guddan from filling the empty bottal with water.she hurriedly went to main hall and pick up the phone

Guddan- hello who is there?

Anotherside- Hello guddan i m Aman

Guddan become shock cz aman call her land line noumber at mid night she become thoughtful

O.s- hello guddan i call you for because  did Rohit called you today evening?cz his mobile was switch off.i called you on your mobile but you did not pick up so at least i called you on your land line number

Guddan (serious)- my mobile was on silent mood so i did not know about your calling sorry.and about Rahul i dont know cz he did not call me
Anything serious?

Just then Aman noticed an unknown number was continuously calling him

Aman- guddan i will call you back oky

Aman cut the call and receive that number

Here guddan was thinking about Aman word

Guddan- what happend Rahul mobile is switch off and he wanna call me at evening but why he did not calle me.God plz safe him

On the otherside Aman rushed to city hospital tensly

Aman to Receptionist- plz cheak a patient name Rahul sharma

Receptionist,- ok sir one minuts.
Receptionist cheak the list and said- sir ward no 6

Aman(hurriedly)- thank you
And went to see Rahul

Rahul was sitting on hospital bed while doctor instruct him

Aman hurriedly enterd ward room and

Aman(tensly)- Rahul are you oky.when did you hurt ha? A unknown number called me that you were in hospital

Rahul with small smile- oh buddy dont panic ok i m not gonna leave you all right now.and this was the man who bring me here

Aman thank that man to help his friend and bring him here and thank him to informed him

Aman sit beside Rahul while doctor cheack his report

Doctor-eveything is good now.not so worry.minor injury on head but take care and take atleast 1week rest to recover your minor injury.After give some instruction doctor went from there

Aman - tell me what happend today evening? When you got injured?

Rahul thoughtfuly- i dont know i never flirt girls the way that her brothers want to beat me.i respect girls yaar.bus little bit of healthy flirt with their consent.but today when i droped you to .apartment then i turn my car towards my home but then i noticed someone was following me by his carsince after droping you to your apartment.when i stoped my car and nock his car door to asked him why was he following me but before i asked him he grab me a punch me so hard that i fall directly on was happend in neno second that i could not recognised him

Aman- but who was that man.even you have not any enemy in my knowledge

Just then police came and asked Rahul about the incident

After there question police went from there to further invegtication


Next day At office

Our kharus jindal engrossed in his work to that way he did not hear Aman call

Aman - sir sir

After sometime Aj up his head to see that person and see Aman

Aman- sir sorry to disturbed you but it is important meeting with Mr
Varma after 1hour.and a meeting with mr .rathore but in that meeting Rahul cant attend

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